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Looks like Europe is gaining in green energy technology quite fast leaving some behind.

Lukian 8 Dec 1
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Any advancements in technology that brings us closer to doing away with Fossil Fueled Power Stations and Nuclear Reactor Powered Stations gets my vote.
There has been a Wind Farm under construction about 20+miles from Broken Hill, N.S.W. Australia for the last 12 months with about 50% of the turbines now operational, some of the local 'ostriches' ( the naysayers) around town complain that they can hear the low humming of the turbine blades even though they are 20+miles away from here.
I've been less than 100 metres from them on a very windy day, with the blades spinning around at a fairly decent speed and heard absolutely NOTHING except the whistling of the wind itself.
I reckon there are some people around who would complain even their arses were coated in diamonds and they were shitting out gold nuggets.
Renewable Energy is the way of the Future and it WILL give us a cleaner, healthier world IF we all embrace it.

Triphid Level 9 Dec 2, 2018

you get my vote! I remember going to Holland in 2005. You could here the swish of the blades only when you were directly underneath them.


I wonder how much of that technology has been developed based on the LHC designed and built by CERN.

IamNobody Level 8 Dec 1, 2018

good question, the connection between both technology seems obvious but, I don't know.

@Lukian The size of the LHC magnets is way bigger but the technology to build them, seems to me, could have played a key role on the generator's presented in the video. Good stuff by the way. The only shortcoming of the story for US is the wrong turn took by congress years ago when funding was cut and that's kind of how CERN came up ahead and they still are in that line of work. It's not cheap bussiness but if that technology helped with this generators then there is a chance that CERN super large investment may have a return, which in the long run is good news for the whole world. Someone must keep pressing forward, if it is the European Union then good for them.

@IamNobody wasn't it called Super collider the US equivalent to LHC CERN?

@Lukian Yes, US started the program and it was going to be the greatest thing ever built until politics got in the way. Again, that opened the door for EU and they took the ball and ran with it. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who does the job, as long as the job gets done. That's how I see it anyway.

@Lukian By the way, why do you think they announced few years ago "Higgs particle" succesfull detection on a 4th of July?. There is no evidence they did pick that day on purpose but, well anything goes now a days. I do believe they did it on purpose to rub it in and, well again they did the hard work, they deserve to celebrate any way they felt appropriate

@IamNobody there are many American scientist at CERN although it is a European initiative.

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