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When plants are exposed to mutagenic radiation it's considered natural (and the plant considered non-gmo) but when CRSPR is used to manipulate a couple of genes selectively it's GMO.

Applied since the 1930s to accelerate the process of developing and selecting new valuable agronomic traits, mutation breeding uses a plant’s own genetic make-up, mimicking the natural process of spontaneous mutation. The mutation process generates random genetic variations, resulting in mutant plants with new and useful traits.

Lukian 8 Mar 6
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Every living thing on this planet is exposed to radiation of one form or another every second of its life.
Ambient radiation is a normal thing, it comes from the sun, the minerals in the ground, the EMR ( Electro-magnetic Radiation) from the electricity supply running through homes and city streets, the EMR waves to and from radios, televisions, your mobile/cells phones, it IS everywhere and unless you seal yourself in a chamber of solid lead lined walls, etc, you are absorbing it as regular as you breathe.
So why NOT let it work for us in increasing the food production and preservation of such foods instead of against it?

Triphid Level 9 Mar 6, 2019

Not mutagenic radiation. I think you do not grasp what mutagenic radiation is all about. We are talking about DNA breaking mutation inducing, similar to cancer inducing, radiation on seeds. Trying to grow them after exposure and keeping a mutant that grows faster or bigger then saying that is safer Non-GMO than using precise genetic manipulation and calling the food frankenfood.

@Lukian Yes, I know the differences, but is not ALL radiation 'mutagenic' in various ways, shapes or forms, for example, prolonged and continuous over-exposure over many years to UV RADIATION, whether man-made from Sunbeds, etc, or from the sun itself IS mutagenic, is it NOT?

@Triphid yes and no. Yes it can lead to mutations but the radiation covered here has a specific intensity to cause DNA mutation.

@Lukian Scientifically and Medically speaking here, ANY radiation what-so-ever can be considered as being mutagenic since it IS simply a substance that is foreign to the body/cell entering the body/cell thus possibly disrupting the DNA/RNA helices as it passes through them.

@Triphid the point here is using a specific radiation to specifically cause mutations not what kind of radiation causes mutations. I'm trying to keep the focus on the OP not debate what can potentially cause DNA damages and mutations. I doubt you can create a mutant plant by exposing plant seeds to sunlight but you can always try. (white human skin cells can be damaged by UV rays because it is made to absorb UV light to synthesize vitamin D, dark skin shields the cells to UV damage)

@Triphid this is the radiation we are talking about: []


Funny how people can,, and will,, freak out over stupid shit.. ?

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