10 1

This popped up on another site. Does anyone know anything about this study? In the comments some issues of validity were raised. []

Budgie 8 Dec 24
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The sample size for the study was 1170 children, far too low for any meaningful extrapolation.The mystery here is that it was published in a high impact journal (Current Biology), which would lead people to take the results at face value since they assume the journal editors will have spotted any obvious flaws in the study. The paper has subsequently been withdrawn, and can safely be ignored.

JoeB Level 6 Dec 25, 2019

They had to do a study to figure that out. GEEZ!

Sticks48 Level 9 Dec 24, 2019

This does not surprise me as I figured this out many years ago. I can remember the day I was in Catholic School. Discussing the fact that "one can be an asshole all their lives: kill, murder and be an ungrateful person. As long as one tells 'the dog' they are sorry, tell him they believe he is the greatest savior of all, then you will immediately get into heaven upon death.

@TheMiddleWay Actually I did not read the study but in the present political situation, this does not surprise me at all.


Just clicked through to the original study, it appears to have been retracted at the authors' request

MattHardy Level 7 Dec 24, 2019

Children raised in religious families are often raised to be more judgmental and less tolerant.

Heraclitus Level 8 Dec 24, 2019

Didn't read it. All I can say, rised my girls with no religion and both turned out just fine.

IamNobody Level 8 Dec 24, 2019

Patheos neither list the researchers associated with the research, or cites a reference for the research. IMO not reliable.

t1nick Level 8 Dec 24, 2019

I was able to follow the link from the Patheos article to the Universtiry of Chicago press release. from there I follwed the link to the original article and saw that it had been retracted.
And there was also a link from the orignal Patheos article to a later Patheos article criticising the the original (now retracted) paper.
I agree that these conclusions are not to be trusted but Patheos, in this case at least, made it easier to reach that concusion than your comments might suggest.

@MattHardy I scrolled down to comments and got lost with all of the ads. Some days I don't have spend the amount of time on the details that I should. Mea Culpa

@Budgie An understandable oversight, It's not like you presented the conclusions uncritically. You asked a question and it was answered.


Background on Patheos:

Patheos is a non-denominational, non-partisan online media company providing information and commentary from various religious and nonreligious perspectives.

Upon its launch in May 2009, the website was primarily geared toward learning about religions through a reference library and other peer-reviewed resources on 27 global religions and worldviews. In its current form, the site also hosts more than 450 blogs in eleven "Faith Channels," offering commentary and news from these perspectives in topics including politics, institutions, culture, sacred texts, history, lifestyle, entertainment, family life, and business. Patheos is the largest English language religion and spirituality site in the world, while the Catholic, Progressive Christian, Nonreligious, and Pagan Channels constitute the largest web presence for their respective traditions.


— Last week came the announcement that religion site Beliefnet has acquired Patheos, the far more popular home of a wide variety of religious blogs, include a vibrant Pagan channel. While Beliefnet also once hosted Pagan bloggers, since being acquired by the Christian-focused BN Media company, those writers all eventually moved on. With the new purchase, it has been stated that plans thus far are to keep the two sites independent of each other.

A Wild Hunt investigation into BN Media buying Beliefnet in June, 2016, disclosed the company’s focus:

BN Media seems to be a different sort of owner, if their two largest initiatives, Affinity4 and Cross Bridge, are any indication. In short, it seems they are a conservative “family friendly” Christian group. All you have to do is pay attention to all the subtle buzz-words. . . . It doesn’t paint a very rosy picture of future interfaith interactions and diverse viewpoints on Beliefnet.


t1nick Level 8 Dec 24, 2019

I seem to remember such a study being conducted in Australia a few years ago that came back with very similar results.
The study went as far as including both Public Schools and Private Religious ones as well.
The result showed, overwhelmingly, that non-religious children were more apt to be sympathetic, kinder, community aware, etc, than were their religious counter-parts.

Triphid Level 9 Dec 24, 2019

@TheMiddleWay Do you think I'm a library or something perhaps?

@TheMiddleWay As I said the study was done A FEW YEARS AGO.

@TheMiddleWay " You also said that I presented overwhelming evidence in favor of the non-religious."
Err, could you PLEASE elucidate as to WHERE EXACTLY I made that comment?

@TheMiddleWay I'm fairly sure that IF you search long enough you will find somewhere in the backblocks of Information on the Internet, but I actually read it an article in a Scientific Magazine I was reading in the Waiting Room at my G.P's Surgery if memory serves me correctly.



bobwjr Level 10 Dec 24, 2019
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