7 8

Of all of the Space x launches. This one is hands down my favorite. to see all of the boosters actually land straight up is just amazing.

TristanNuvo 8 Dec 25
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Absolutely awesome but as the man at the beginning was talking about the power of the rockets all I heard in my head was from The Moody Blues song Higher and Higher, "Blasting, billowing, bursting forth
With the power of ten billion butterfly sneezes" Glad that they are able to get the rockets back and hopefully resuse or recycle them.

Budgie Level 8 Jan 11, 2020


bobwjr Level 10 Dec 26, 2019


bobwjr Level 10 Dec 25, 2019

And for all of those flat earthers, you get to watch in real time the curvature of the earth from 3 cameras. lol


Still brings a tear to my eye watching this accomplishment. I was watching this on tv (YouTube) when it was happening..I was literally gob smacked.. To see a rocket land on it's tail?? WOW!!

Davekp Level 8 Dec 25, 2019

I feel the same. When I was a kid I watched the Apollo missions with just wonder and awe. Space x is making me feel like that kid again.
I watch this on youtube live as well. Actually I've seen quite a few like that. even the earlier failure tries.



RavenCT Level 9 Dec 25, 2019

Bloody marvelous, makes one wonder WHY N.A.S.A. could NEVER manage to do the same in the years it has been operating,

Triphid Level 9 Dec 25, 2019

They were not tasked with doing so. NASA was truly wonderful in their accomplishments, They did not let any one down and opened the doorway for the rest.

Because NASA is founded in a bureaucracy which its prime motive is the survival of itself not necessarily advancement of it's mandate. It's not motivated by success of it's activity, rather by the success of its own existence. Any significance in mandate advancement is simply a lucky by product.

Private interests focus on progress of product not on the strength of its own heartbeat..

Weeeeelllll let's see here.. Perhaps it's a Government vs Private Company thing? Hmmm... Yep, I think that's it..

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