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Here Is an Awkward Question In Need of a Reality Check: If Lying to the Government Is a Crime, Isn’t the Big Bang a Criminal Conspiracy?

In 1957 the Soviets sent a man into earth orbit. America’s leaders correctly concluded that the Soviets could use the same vehicle to put a weapon into earth orbit. If the Cold War became hot, America was at risk and needed a comparable defense.

The Big Bang was a widely accepted origin story and America’s leaders knew an effective defense would require the expertise of astronomers. It would require vast amounts of money; would taxpayers consent? If necessary, the cost could be hidden in an effort to put men on the moon.

The spending began and the government soon needed to justify it. The discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation provided evidence and it may have been the first lie astronomers told. The first astronomers hired reasonably hired more Big-Bang-qualified astronomers and trillions of dollars have been spent. The Super Conducting Super Collider inTexas would have been the world’s costliest scientific experiment but Congress stopped the funding.

I’ve said enough. Take my argument apart if you can.

yvilletom 8 Jan 16
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Where is the web site to find the Math? I can handle the Math. People's (scientist are people) opinions are fine but let's have a look at the Math and stop any bickering. Oh, by the way don't pretend the Math is too complex that's a mind trick. If it's too complicated to explain then you don't understand it. If you understand what you're saying you can explain it. You don't need a degree in Physics and Math (but I have one) to follow an explanation. An MBA , Biology, Chemistry, or any B.A. or B.S. with a critical analysis component is just as good. Electrical Engineering is not the high point in our cultures knowledge. Show me the Math.

jdubose Level 7 Feb 15, 2020

Math is not physics.
Ignore electricity? During a storm, fly a kite made of metallic foil.

@yvilletom Ok. Show me the Physics

@jdubose Show a man what he will refuse to see?

@yvilletom Good luck.


Gee, didja hear Bill Maher tell his audience they can explain the universe in a way that’s not batshit crazy?

yvilletom Level 8 Jan 19, 2020

The Big Bang theory, as opposed to the Steady State theory, became the accepted theory of origin because of OBSERVATIONS which were CHALLENGED and INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED. When I was a child and started studying astronomy it was the other way around.

The observable universe is expanding. All celestial objects are moving away from all others. By observing those movements, the origin of those objects can be traced back to a central point and time.

BitFlipper Level 8 Jan 18, 2020

@BitFlipper The Steady State theory was rejected, which left only the Big Bang Theory.

Years later NASA started sending instruments into space. These instruments have returned data NASA doesn’t know how to explain and hopes they will someday be able to explain. The story has not ended.

If you happen to know any electrical engineers, ask for their explanation.

Yes, the Observable Universe might be "expanding" but the Universe has infinite space.
The Big Bang Theory is so flawed its amazing that anyone believes it.
The truth is that the Universe has always been here.


What argument? Its a story and a silly one at that. A bunch of Non Sequiturs that don't even hang together as rhetoric let alone logic

MattHardy Level 7 Jan 18, 2020

There is a Super Collider in Europe, and different ones have been used to discover, for just one example, the Higg's Boson.
Now, tell me how good large amounts of people, and agencies, are good at keeping vast secrets over decades.......

AnneWimsey Level 9 Jan 18, 2020

Anne, taxpayer-provided salaries have helped keep the secret from a few people here. The secret is that the Big Bang is a big fraud. Like religion, it lacks evidence.

The super collider that was partly built in Texas before Congress stopped the funding would have been six times bigger than the large hadron collider in Europe, which is the most expensive scientific experiment ever built. Where did you find that “different ones have been used to discover ... the Higgs boson”?


Another conspiracy theory? Why are people so susceptible to this stuff?

BitFlipper Level 8 Jan 18, 2020

“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!"
— Upton Sinclair, the Progressive Era “muckraker” whose reporting changed the meat industry.

What’s keeping the Big Bang story alive? Taxpayer-provided salaries. Billions of dollars.

yvilletom Level 8 Jan 17, 2020

The math wasn't wrong maybe not entirely accurate but nothing supporting your contention

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 17, 2020

Which math, Bob? Which contention?

@yvilletom Check toolguy response

@bobwjr Bob, I’ve been researching the Bang for twelve years. I want you to put some effort into your comments.


What is the link between the Big Bang theory and putting men on the moon? Oh, I know, the Howard Wolowitz character was an astronaut

No, Stephanie. The trip to the moon took our attention from the high cost of space defense and offense. Always follow the trail of money. It really pisses off the people who are spending the money.


Well, then go to the scientific articles, redo the calculations, find the mistakes, submit a research proposition, the technology needed is from the 60s, it should not be expensive now. Then publish a paper per reviewed and in some 2 or 3 years collect your nobel prize.

Pedrohbds Level 7 Jan 17, 2020

@Pedrohbds I'm a skeptic. I read what others publish and find where they fail to supply evidence for their hypotheses. Today's cosmologists are mathematicians. They do no laboratory work and test their equations for elegance.
There is no evidence for the Big Bang, for dark matter, dark energy, black holes, neutron stars, inflation, CMBR, gravitational waves and more. In that respect, the BB is like religion: millions of words but no evidence.

@yvilletom That's where you are wrong.
Theoretical science is just creating or modeling hypothesis, the hypothesis needs to be confirmed by experiment.

he big bang, or, better, theory of cosmological inflation is very well rooted in experimental data, including calculations (with improving precision) of the cosmological constant.

So show me a scientific article, not a magazine or internet one that shows the mistakes of this.

Of course as all theoretical areas, is a lot cheaper to use pen and paper (computer models, etc) than build experiments. That is why we have many disputing hypothesis waiting someone to develop an experiment to test, but the roots of the observations shoes that there was a "big bang".

Plus, astronautics and cosmology are not that related. Astronautics is more an engineering challenge more than a theoretical science one.

Giving a more earthly example. To understand the chemicals, reactions and the fundamental forces that act in the atoms of metal is something, but to build an industrial method to produce it, have some relation but needs a totally different set of skills and knowledge.

@Pedrohbds The big bang, or, better, theory of cosmological inflation is not rooted as you say. It's rooted only in Lemaitre's use, motivated by his intent to support Genesis, of one of Edwin Hubble's two hypotheses regarding what's called red shift (and is better called tired light) and the Doppler effect.

Your third paragraph explains why the BB is not supported by evidence. Cosmology has no evidence for many hypotheses because only imagination supplies the mass its gravity-only equations require. For instance, its 80-year search for evidence for an imagined dark matter will continue to fail.

Your "more earthly" example describes how chemistry differs from chemical engineering. It does not support cosmology's inability to design the experiments that will supply the required evidence.

@Pedrohbds Pedro, I found your bio interesting. Besides our shared interest in learning, your April 18 birthday was significant in my early home. Two reasons are that on 04/18/45 my kid brother was born and Ernie Pyle, our mother's favorite WW2 war correspondent, died in the battle for Okinawa. If you'll stop BS-ing me about the Bang, we could be friends if time permits.

@yvilletom science denial is a no go for me in case of new friendships XD

@Pedrohbds Then stop putting imagination in science’s place.


To several: Conspiring is the crime; conspirators are charged.
Tristan, I hope you found your hat.
Spongebob, you are most welcome.
George, the lies are still being told so the Statute has not yet run.
dalefvictor, ????
NoMagic, I use professional sources but discovermag was worth the read
Powder, check a law dictionary.
Thank you all.

yvilletom Level 8 Jan 16, 2020

Most conspiracy theorists have very little expertise in the fields or areas within which they push the conspiracy. There are a large number of legitimate scientist working in Astrophysics doing legitimate work and acquiring legitimate data. There is a preponderance of legitimate data that is consistent and reinforcing. The resesrch follow proper scientific methods and protocols. Their work is double-checked and verified by their peers in astrophysics and physics (not every physicist can be in on your so-called conspiracy).

Because the calculations and the math is beyond the average lay person due to the specific training and academic training needed) many detractors come forward erroneously. It takes too many people keeping the so-called conspiracy secret to be viable or believable. That's why most conspiracy fall ridiculously flat on their faces.

t1nick Level 8 Jan 16, 2020

Few if any conspiracy theorists do graduate work in their fields. I did.


One aspect of Occam's Razor, besides the obvious take away, is that the more conditions, "if statements" one interjects to justify conditions, the further from the the real truth one moves. As, "if statements" mount, the burden of meeting all those conditions become impossible to realize. The increased complexity of meeting those conditions makes the explanation untenable.

Add in the human factor and the need for so many to bear the burden of silence for the secret to be kept on order for the conspiracy to work, and you find the weak link for most conspiracies. The more people that are involved, the less control exists for maintaining the necessary secrets.

Knowledge is power, and owning knowledge of information that others do not have gives the holder a certain degree of power over those that do not. The only way to realize that power is to let others know that you have something that they do not, aka. knowledge of secret information.

The further away one is from the primary source, the less reliable one is to realize the necessity of the significance of their knowledge. Therefore, the more one is tempted to "leak" their knowledge. The only way to realize their power is to share that knowledge to prove that they indeed owned such information. At this point the conspiracy breaks down. This is the problem with most conspiracy theories. People directly involved may keep their secrets. However, the more that are involved and the more marginal those people are, the less likely that the secrecy needed to maintain the conspiracy is realized.

@t1nick Besides your two well-stated comments above, a few days ago you wrote of the research you did on a science-based UK periodical. I would have liked having you teach some of the science courses I took.

In the early 1970s I did much research on spending in Arizona by the Bureau of Reclamation in the US Interior Department. Land ownership decided much of the spending.

I did little more than incidental research on the US government’s 19th century spending on railroads but it was enough to allow a conclusion that land ownership decided the routes chosen.

Ditto for the US government’s mid-20th century spending on interstate highways. And ditto for the spending on high-speed rail transit between Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay Area.

While land ownership may have decided some of the spending on the gravitational wave detectors here in the US, on the short-lived SCSC in Texas, on the LHC in Europe, and on Japan’s neutron detector, I haven’t written of land ownership here because I’m sure some people here will charge me with saying land ownership decides Big Bang spending.

What all that supports is a conclusion that it’s not easy to start gov’t spending and it’s also not easy to stop it.


I don't think I referenced any work on a UK periodical? I have done work for the Army Corps of Engineering on exotic water sources in Arizona, and the Arizona State Museum in Archaeology. My main concern is addressing the concept of conspiracy theorists and their tendency to be false. I do agree that funding is hard to acquire, and on large civic related projects hard to get, and I'll take your word about their difficulty in ending.

I am aware of how property taxes are used in New Mexico for a multitude of government sponsored projects, but never did any research on the subject.

@t1nick I clicked on your screen name, and on the bar menu clicked on “Comments”. I scrolled down the page and saw your lengthy comment about a UK periodical.

Airizona? Surely you learned of the Central Arizona Project. Property taxes and other fees were to pay for it. In the early 1970s I was working at the Honeywell computer plant in what was then north Phoenix. I was a Sierra Club member and on my own time worked with a self-employed civil engineer who had contacts at the Corps of Engineers office in Phoenix. In 1974 I ran in the Republican primary for the state legislature and the June 1976 car bomb murder of investigative reporter Don Bolles persuaded me to leave Arizona. The comments here about conspiracy give me a few chuckles. Innocence usually dies painfully.


I'm still vo fused on the UK periodical. I hot my first degree in Archaeology from I of A in 1978, but worked for Arizona State Museum as an archaeologist from 1976 to 1980. I worked on several Central Arizona Projects. I never looked in the funding for the CAP. I was too concerned with getting the soft money contracts to keep working.

I hope I'm not naive or innocent. I know nefarious things happen in politics and finance. Plus I am aware that things begin with one context, but may evolve with time due to unexpected benefits.

@t1nick I was in my early 40s when the CAP broke my “youthful” innocence, years after a teacher prep course at the U. of Fla. circa 1958 said such innocence usually ends during the teens. I did get an adult teaching cert and in the mid-1960s while working for GE in Daytona Beach taught science report writing evenings at DB Junior College. In 1965 I married a teacher and we moved west: Houston, Austin, then Phoenix. We divorced there and with no kids to support I was free to do risky stuff. A UA professor of agricultural economics wrote criticizing the CAP.

The silliness here doesn’t bother me. I’m on the side of electrical engineers and their IEEE, a rather large professional organization. The criminal conspiracy idea is all mine.


I almost got through the whole post. But my tin foil hat fell off. And then reality kicked into gear.,.....


Thanks for the laugh 😊

Spongebob Level 7 Jan 16, 2020

After almost 14 billion years, I think it is safe to say the Statute of limitations has expired.


Sorry your post seems to be putting forth a statement, actually statements that are confusing. One cannot sue the Big Bang because you say it did not happen, not even if more say it did not happen the Big Bang cannot issue an argument for a court. If the collider was built in Texas then all the Scientific research that is being done at CERN would have been done years ago in Texas. The Administration at the time needed to make the rich richer and so the project was canceled.



More like a series of baseless assertions sprinkled with a few unrelated factoids.

To not waste too much of my time I'll leave you to defend your "The Big Bang WAS a widely accepted origin story. . ."

OK, demonstrate the Big Bang is NO LONGER "a widely accepted origin story."

The best article I could find from a reliable source on debunking the big bang is this:

Really worth reading - -

The Forbes article is interesting but if you do more then read the title, does not debunk the big bang

If you stoop lower down the information chain to sources that are significantly less then what I would consider fact based, "The Creation Institute" has published a few articles attempting to debunk the big bang

If this is your source, you may wish to evaluate your sources.

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