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We are so fucked
UK Government refusing to sign up to Brexit safeguards so it can change Human Rights Act, Gove admits

LenHazell53 9 May 30
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I'm obviously an outsider but if Scotland and Ireland become independent nations I think they will soon be richer than England because of trade.

Last spring we went on a Nile cruise using Thomas Crown. We did the 2 week cruise for $800 because of the exchange rate at the time. Because we went with a British company all the other people on the ship were British. I was so surprised that about 80% of them were pro Brexit. They had a seated kin to her table and only one person at our table was anti breaks it and she was an older retiree. Her daughter was a prosecutor and she was very preo. The blowhard investors are table with also very pro. We started running round with a couple of guys who were dairy farmers and they also wanted Brexit. Interesting Li all of these people except for the investor guy were as liberal as I am.

Lorajay Level 9 May 30, 2020

Brexit will leave Britain with no other recourse than to become a tax haven, since will not be able to trade with anyone on a fair footing.
Being a tax haven the bankers, and money men will be able to take commision and so will benefit from it, the actual people will have nothing but rocketing inflation, empty shelves and extortionate prices and greater than ever gap between the rich and the poor.
It was amazing that the majority of British bigots and morons could be so easily persuaded to vote against their own interests, simply on the promise all the brown people will go away because everyone knows Pakistan is in France.
It is no wonder the canny Scots voted against this madness, I and seriously hope they will have the good sense to rejoin Europe, put back up Hadrian's wall and Tell citizen Boris to climb up his own arse.


We will end up as the fifty second state of the USA, but without any voting rights.

Fernapple Level 9 May 30, 2020

I think that has been the long term plan since Thatcher


I agree we are definitely fucked! What the people who first voted for Brexit and then Boris Johnson’s government have done, will go down as the two biggest acts of wilful stupidly in British history. I can only hope for a swift breaking up of the UK and look forward to living in either an independent Scotland or a reunited Ireland. Sorry’re welcome to go it alone with your sovereignty intact!

Stand by for the convoys of us sensible Brit's heading to the border pleading for political asylum.

@LenHazell53 will Lancashire ask to rejoin Wales?

@FrayedBear Wales will still be tied to England..the Principality has been shackled to England since Edward I conquered it in 1283, so technically England & Wales would be the new United Kingdom.

@Marionville Could be that if Scotland and NI do secede from the union, I think Wales may decide 700 years of conquest is enough.

@LenHazell53 Yes...I think all the Celtic nations should form a federation.

@Marionville My wife is from Irish heritage so I am with you all the way. England is finished and seem determined to flush itself down the craper.

@LenHazell53 We could all petition the King of Norway to take us back...after all large parts of Scotland and the Western Isles were under Norse rule for over three hundred years. I wouldn’t mind being part of that kingdom again!

@Marionville get the Celtic jews to repatriate back to Palestine after 3 or is it 4,000 years


@FrayedBear I don’t think there are too many of them around here..there is a Synagogue in Northern Ireland, in Belfast, but it has less than 100 attendees I believe. I don’t actually have a problem with having Jews in the population anyway!

@Marionville lol did you read the article which claims that ancient Jews settled Ireland & then W.Scotland?

@FrayedBear I’ve read the link...everyone knows that the Celts origins lie in the upper Danube basin of South Central Europe...where they may have migrated from before that is really academic because it’s so long ago..but they could well have traveled from further east. Are we not all supposed to have descended from Africans anyway?

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