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What do you feel about the news that Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended from the Labour Party, following The Equalities and Human Rights Commission’s damning findings on anti-semitism in the Party under his leadership? Was Kerr Starmer right to suspend him after Corbyn’s insisting on downplaying the scale of the problem under his leadership, despite the EHRC findings? Will this herald open civil war in the Labour Party as Len McCluskey has already intimated?

Marionville 10 Oct 30
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After hearing the findings I think it’s a shame that Corbyn didn’t investigate it more thoroughly at the time. But Starmer being a Zionist, apparently, wouldn’t have done Corbyn any favours.
Probably a short suspension is justified, but a lot of the working class public feel strongly aligned to Corbyn, so it’s definitely good for them to feel he’s still around and that they have someone out there representing them.
Feelings of powerlessness lead to mental health and sometimes bigger societal issues.

He has been allowed back...but Keir Starmer has decided not to allow him back into the Parliamentary Labour he will be sitting as an Independent. I can’t make my mind up whether this is a blunder by Starmer or a wise move...time alone will tell. Corbyn certainly has a lot of supporters, but that did not translate into votes for Labour at the last General Election, in fact the prospect of him being PM was a major factor in why many natural Labour supporters voted Tory. He’s a “marmite” him or loathe him! At least Starmer is trying to bring the party back to electability with the electorate who are not all Labour Party members. If a party can’t get itself elected it doesn’t really matter how many new members it attracts, if that doesn’t translate into votes nationally.

@Marionville yes, I’m not sure if it always matters who is sitting, but it definitely matters that people feel they are represented.


The cult of Corbyn can and has had a terrible impact on Labour. Corbyn appears to have an uncompromising attitude which has rubbed off onto his followers. In essence, he can do no wrong and any act in his name carries that same connotation. In other words, any and all acts carried out in the holy name of Corbyn must be act act of good over evil.
The tearing apart of Labour may be a good thing in the long term, but is bad for British politics at this time.
It's a fairly classic tale repeated often throughout history. See, Stalinism and Nazism. Many Nazis thought they were the good guys fighting against evil to save humanity.
For the Corbynistas, Israel, Judaism or just being born Jewish are effectively the same thing and that is anti-socialist, for no Jew could ever be a Marxist eh?! In case any readers don't know, Karl Marx was Jewish.
Is Sir Starmer right? I think so, as society cannot allow subjective persecution based on unfounded opinions of a few.

Sofabeast Level 7 Oct 30, 2020

Yes...I think he was fact I think he had no option if he wants to make the Party electable again. The main reason Labour lost so badly at the General Election last year was because Corbyn as PM was seen as unpalatable to many voters. The Jewish community may not be big enough to influence the way the country votes. but this issue is an important one to many who are not Jewish because it’s indicative of intolerance of a plurality of identities and ethnicities.

In other words, you are saying that, he is to the left in the UK, what Trump is to the right in the US.

@Fernapple Interesting way of putting it, but yes. Where Trump has mobilised older right-wing authoritarian supporters, Corbyn did so with young left winger 'anarchists'. Both groups believe they are right, yet both are wrong in the practical world.


There is anti-semitism in the labor party. How much of that is attributable to Corbyn I don't know. It could be the neo-libs in the labour party are just trying to get rid of the socialists.

Theresa_N Level 8 Oct 30, 2020’s very real, the EHRC findings are thorough and independent. Corbyn himself is probably no anti Semite, but he has enabled it to thrive in the Party under his leadership. It’s his denial and his downplaying it’s extent that is the reason for his suspension.


Corbyn is not guilty of anti-semitism. He is anti-Israeli, a very different matter. Israel's treatment of Palestine merits condemnation. It is, unfortunately, instigated by fanatically religious individuals.
That is the whole problem with all Abrahamaic religions - fanaticism.
This is a bad move by the Labour party.

Petter Level 9 Oct 30, 2020

I don’t agree...after reading and listening extensively to the anti Semitic invective, even death threats that many Jewish Labour MPs and Jewish members of the Labour Party had to endure under his watch, I believe that he and his advisers knew and tried to play it down and interfered with having it thoroughly investigated. There have always been extreme factions to the far left, bordering on communism, on the fringes of the Labour Party, who are anti Semitic and racist. The Militant Tendency was a big problem from the 1960’s until Labour under Neil Kinnoch managed to purge the Party of was only after that purging of these extremists that Labour became electable, enabling Blair to become the most successful Party leader in their history. Corbyn let them all back in on his wave of new members in 2015 and that’s when this current anti-Semitic problem began. I don’t believe Corbyn himself is anti Semitic, but that is not his problem...he has allowed known anti Semites back into the Party and then has failed to deal with the horrendous repercussions. He has been suspended not because he is anti Semitic, but because he is still unable to grasp the scale of the anti Semitism and damage wreaked on Jewish members and MPs, and his denial of it compounds the problem. I think Keir Starmer had no option.

Well said. The following is from a friend who is an activist in the labour movement and the Palestinian situation.

The Labour party have always taken this antisemitism scam seriously. Consequently they are over a barrel. The Zionist lobby will always invent an excuse to call Corbyn a Jew hater (There was one complaint that he put a German pronunciation on someone's name, therefore he was antisemitic and vile man: honest, I have not made that up. It was some actor who came out with that repugnant crap that was never called out for the pathetic, nonsensical smear that it really was.) Stamer is shitting himself everytime the latest antisemitic scandal hits the headlines. So, Corbyn is going to be expelled: he hasn't got a snowball's chance of surviving this one which was always going to come for him. An honest politician - which is a very rare thing - who virtually from the cradle has been against racism of any form, has been hounded as a despicable racist. The saddest thing is that people believe it.

Says it better than I could.

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