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Kingship USA

So Americans think they can get rid of Kings and call themselves a republic? They thought that all they had to do was throw a few boxes of Tea into some Bay and they would be free men.

Even Free men fight for power through Wealth grabbing , striving and willing to climb over others to get to the top. Riches inherited only makes it worse. They forget those that they climbed over. They even try to hide it by calling it commercial interest and economy cascading . They huddle and protect their precious secrets and “ brands ”. Always making sure that there is a ready supply of unemployed so that if they feel like a stroll to make a few more millions they know where the grafters are.

And so Trump wants to pin on his crown a Kings historical, but not fair privilege of pardoning all his servants and even himself?. There exist other ways of getting fairness.

There will always be rich men and women ready to accept the mantle of Kings & Queens and Hangers-on in any society. Unless, that is, the real owners of the society wake up and increase laws that will prevent any one man or woman alone making the rest of society subservient.

Why then, do we put up with the system described above in the UK?

Mcflewster 8 Dec 24
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I think the Boston tea party was more about the refusal to pay taxes levied by the British than "freedom". Many in America were loyal to the king.

Moravian Level 8 Dec 26, 2020

"Why then, do we put up with the system described above in the UK?"

how about: the average IQ is 100 which means that 50% of the population is even dumber.

which makes it very easy for a small minority of smart sociopaths to control the entire population.


They are deluded into a belief of their superiority & entitlement (folies en masse) therefore to act against one or a cabal of a few is to destroy that belief in entitlement?

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 24, 2020

Perhaps the one and only great benefit of the monarchy, silly out dated institution that it is. Is that it sets a limit to fools and their ambitions, neither Boris, nor that truly evil towrag, Blair, will ever get to call themselves president.

Fernapple Level 9 Dec 24, 2020

But we do need a president with limited powers and certainly not like trump

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