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I know this sounds daft but being in Australia I am totally out of the loop. I still don't get 'hard' Brexit and its alternative and all the furor going around it. Can anyone explain in ABC terms what it all means in practical terms. Thanks.

Geoffrey51 8 July 16
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Hard Brexit is basically Britain leaving the EU totally, regardless of the consequences and without any sort of economic, diplomatic, or civil plan.

The alternatives are to leave with some sort of deal- the most viable being that the UK remains inside the EU trade deal known as "the single market" in return for honouring certain EU laws, most likely including the free movement of people between EU and UK without the need for visas. Or to not leave the EU at all.

The biggest impact of hard Brexit will be upon industry- many companies are based in the UK but make most of their money trading with the EU. If hard Brexit happens many of those companies have already said they will relocate to the EU. The next biggest impact would be the amount of tax people in the UK would have to pay on imported goods from the EU (lots of food, furniture, some clothing and cars come to the UK from the EU). The loss of "frictionless borders" would jeopardize our health service, a lot of the UKs medical supplies and medical professionals come from the EU. Finally UK science and research is heavily funded by the EU, without that funding much of our research in the "public domain" will die out, we will probably have to turn to private funding which means the companies funding the research will own it and he able to charge what they like for the fruits of it.


Perfectly simple
Brexit means Brexit
Remainer means snowflake bastard
Brexiteer means irresponsible bastard
Leave means leave except when it doesn't
Free movement area means unpatriotic invasion monkey, antifa welcome, sign waving snowflake
Non free movement area means KKK, bigot bastard, who should be publicaly shamed and hung out to dry
Soft brexit means staying in Europe and abiding by all European rules but not paying for it, as much, but having no say
Hard Brexit means becoming the 51st, state of America in a few years time
The British people means the percentage of the people who do as they are told, discounting the those who do not and those who did not express an opinion either way.
Prime Minister, means the person who will get blamed when the country goes tits up.

See perfectly simple

Ah, but isn't the whole point of 'respecting the referendum result' so that we can be collectively blamed rather than the politicians? Barely any of those who sided with remain sticking to their guns. I think Westminster wants Brexit. It just doesn't want to be held accountable for the damage that it's going to do to the economy, and the hardship that's going to cause to the voting public in real terms (more job losses and higher living costs due to the trashed value of Sterling.)

So it's a big case of "We're only delivering what you voted for."


dude - they have the internet in Oz, which means you will be as informed as the rest of us - IE nobody knows what the fuck is going on 🙂

Flettie Level 7 July 17, 2018

Thanks I thought I was just being dense as none of it seems to make sense


Today its been announced leave campaign broke the law and its been passed to the police . Coincidently Emperor May has called for an early ho,iday making the next 7 weeks a bit of a jolly .

Simon1 Level 7 July 17, 2018

Does anyone here watch Coronation Street?

Geoffrey51 Level 8 July 16, 2018

Never heard of em 😉

Yes me

@Mcflewster oh good we are about a few weeks behind in Oz but there are a few hanging story lines I that haven't resolved I just wondered if anyone could tell me if I missed something! I'll start a new thread called Coronation Street

@Geoffrey51 That would be good as they tackle quite a few interesting social problems. Worst part of the show is that they do not have any really happy families.

@Mcflewster I know they used to. Over the last couple of months it's started to get a bit like depressing old Eastenders. I used to love that as well but it just seems totally doom ridden now. I can't watch it anymore, too gloomy!


Best video on cameron and brexit, what a twat. LMAO

Savage Level 7 July 16, 2018

That's funny or at all informative?
If so how, when and where?


Nobody in the UK understands much if they're honest! Dunno how to explain it impartially, but somehow some nationalist types got lucky with their timing and managed to persuade a small majority to vote to leave the EU on the pretence it was all about stopping immigration, and that immigration was even a problem. The negotiations before we leave are to set up trade agreements etc and compromises have to be made, we can't get all the free trade without some consequences. Hard brexit means just closing the doors, shutting off all trade, sticking a finger up to Europe and being the greatest empire in the world and if anyone else doesnt like it tough shit. Which is a load of bollocks and will bankrupt the UK, but that's the logic behind it. Soft brexit is leaving the EU in principle but keeping a lot of connections and agreements in place, which is a bit like staying in but nobody dares say that! Somebody else may put it better and more impartially but I hope I've covered the basic idea.

Salo Level 7 July 16, 2018

Not bad but you missed out all the lies and the manipulation and illegal overspend all on the leave side. May is now saying no new ref and is trying to force brexit through even though many have now changed their minds and of course lets not forget to mentionj the rise of white nationalism and increase in racist abuse. And one last thing, every financail/business/banking institutions all agree, there is no good brexit. #stopbrexit

Excellent thanks for that. All a bit of a dog's breakfast then!

@Savage I completely agree. I was just trying my best in difficult circumstances to be impartial. Failed miserably which probably proves it's own point!

@Geoffrey51 here's some opinions from everybody's fave stiff upper lip Brit

@Geoffrey51 to say its a shitstorm is to wildly under state it

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