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It has just come to my attention that the 26th of January is not only the date Australia celebrates its British Colonisation - aka by Australian First Nations People who have lived here for 50, 000 years as Invasion Day, but it is also the anniversary of the death in 1965 of Sir Winston Churchill.
Now as some of you know Winston Churchill is not particularly held in high esteem by myself and if they knew their history the ancestors of New Zealand and Australian soldiers slaughtered in the bloodbath commonly known as Gallipoli in WWI would also have their doubts.

It was with interest that I read of this little spat between Scottish MP Ross Greer who calls Churchill a "mass murderer" and "Good Morning Britain's" Piers Morgan who in a tweet called Greer a "thick ginger turd", Greer is a slightly built young man, Morgan an overfed, under exercised middle aged man.
What is your opinion?

Piers Morgan in TV bust-up with Scottish politician who labeled Winston Churchill a 'mass murderer' []

FrayedBear 9 Jan 29
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Isn't the Churchill question answered by 'Set a thief to catch a thief.' Chamberlain had been tricked manipulated by Hitler. We needed someone with a sufficiently ruthless nature broken moral compass to defeat Hitler. Fortunately we could get rid of our monster.

NoIdea Level 6 Jan 30, 2019

I do not think that Mr Greer knew all the politics or strategy planning behind Churchill's thoughts and neither do we so it is difficult to judge. I do know that Morgan showed off his worst bullying and "I know more than you so Im right" attitude. He is the prince of over-talking and should be removed from his post . He is never happier than when 4 people are talking at once, then congratulates himself for winning but we have understood nothing because we heard just jabbering.

Mcflewster Level 8 Jan 30, 2019

Fortunately not having a tv or being UK situate I am rarely exposed to him.


Morgan thrives on controversy. I'd rather to deny him the oxygen of publicity.

MattHardy Level 7 Jan 29, 2019

Very generous of you. Reading the comments I think many would starve him of oxygen. The post however was about Churchill and the opinion of a Scottish MP.


Churchill made decisions based on his knowledge and social attitudes prevailing at the time. Right or wrong, they were made. Gallipoli was a military failure for a myriad of reasons. It was his idea, but he didn't plan the detail which ultimately let the adventure down.
He talked SHAEF into an invasion of the soft underbelly of Italy during WWII, which proved a "tough old gut". He diverted food for an already starving population in region of India, (which caused at least a million deaths) to ensure Allied troops were fed and ready to defeat the Axis powers.
He was an Imperialist, but then in 1939 the British Empire was the worlds No1 superpower.
So, should we label him a criminal against humanity? It was his drive which saved the world from fascist domination.
At this moment in time, it is fashionable to beat down old heroes and label them as evil, based on 'snowflake' criteria and values, so Piers Morgan has a point. But Mr Greer shouldn't be insulted in such a manner.
People in power do some questionable acts.. For the Americans, George Washington carried out war crimes when he was a British officer and again as General of the Continental Forces.
Judging the past with the values of today isn't easy. Study the evidence, and make up your own mind based on the evidence, not your emotions.
As for Mr Morgan, the evidence is he is a fat, flabby wanker

Sofabeast Level 7 Jan 29, 2019

Victorian / Edwardian social attitudes were little different to today's - Trump has his MAGA, Putin his RIG (Russia is Great), China's MAC (Multiply and Conquer).
Yes I agree that the non combatants in Western countries have become mentally and physically softened by an ever growing theft from future generations and less developed countries.
Mr Morgan's obesity and sexual habits I'm not privvy to, I very rarely encounter his opinionated videos and certainly do not go looking for them. I thank you for your more forthright summation of his characteristics.


Churchill was indeed a war cabinet member in one war and a war leader in another, he like many of his contemporaries made mistakes and dodgy alliances, famously saying he would even make a deal with Satan if Satan would agree to fight Hitler.
He was a chain smoking drunk and never denied it, he was a bully and a fighter.
However at a moment when the world tottered on the brink of a fall in to racial cleansing, Nazism and a new dark age, he, De-Gaul and Roosevelt among others stood as unlikely symbols of democracy roused of patriotism and the power of the common man enraged, above all the folly of totalitarianism. In an age of appeasement of monsters they stood tall, faced ridicule and hate, in the cross hairs of the snipers rifle sights and LEAD when few others could or would.
Yes, Churchill was a mass murderer, but not in the name of dictatorship, not in the name of an elite, not even for an ideology but out of necessity when some one had to for a free and potentially great future, which subsequent generations have failed to prove themselves worthy of.
Or perhaps Mr. Greer would rather today be speaking German with a Caledonian accent.
No one is obliged to hold Mr Churchill in esteem, but we should all be grateful someone was willing to do what he did:
Came the hour came the man

Well said

However the British always used to have an amazing ability to muddle through. Without Churchill the vacuum would undoubtedly have been filled.

@FrayedBear Very True, but it was him and given that Chamberlain was the epitome of UK politics at the time it is possible that in the absence of Churchill the "charismatic strong leader" demanded to lead Britain in its darkest hour might well have been Oswald Mosley who was still a highly popular figure in the late 1930s, and I dread to think how that might have turned out.

@LenHazell53 Indeed. There again the EEC may have happened sooner.

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