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I have just now founded a 'group' called Southport Atheists. I've put 'group' in quote marks because I am the only member! It is, of course, aimed at people in the Southport area but it might be of a little interest to others. If I get any local interest I'll let you know. There is a website: which I will update from time to time. Here's hoping!

Sandster 7 Mar 8
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Enjoy being online again!

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Many years ago I used to visit my grandparents in Southport. Good luck with the new group 🙂

Red_Cat Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

Well done . Liked your website selfie and your science contribution .

Keep going whatever!


Mcflewster Level 8 Mar 29, 2018

My home town 🙂

Hazydays Level 7 Mar 8, 2018

Now that has got to be treading where "angels" fear to tread? Well done. Georgie boy must be spinning in his wooden overcoat:

"In the summer of 1942 Formby was involved in a controversy with the Lord's Day Observance Society, who had filed law suits against the BBC for playing secular music on Sunday. The society began a campaign against the entertainment industry, claiming all theatrical activity on a Sunday were unethical, and cited a 1667 law which made it illegal. With 60 leading entertainers already avoiding Sunday working, Dean informed Formby that his stance would be crucial in avoiding a spread of the problem. Formby issued a statement, "I'll hang up my uke on Sundays only when our lads stop fighting and getting killed on Sundays ... as far as the Lord's Day Observance Society are concerned, they can mind their own bloody business. And in any case, what have they done for the war effort except get on everyone's nerves?" The following day it was announced that the pressure from the society was to be lifted." George Formby - Wikipedia
And here's George telling you how to acquire members.😀

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Posted by MoravianTory Corruption ?

Posted by MoravianA Tory Christmas carol

Posted by MoravianAny takers

Posted by MattHardyA Boris promise is just a lie that hasn't happened yet. Whatever Sue Grey says, no way is Boris going to admit he lied and resign.

Posted by MoravianJacob Rees Mogg is one of my least favourite people in the world.

Posted by MoravianBoris certainly has his finger on the pulse

Posted by webspider555No trump to take the spotlight off him now

Posted by MannanWhat do you think.....?hahaha

Posted by McflewsterEVERY BORIS SPEECH []

Posted by MoravianPolitics in the UK

Posted by webspider555All set to go well with the vaccination roll out

Posted by webspider555Vaccine already in production

Posted by webspider555If Boris is mentioned then I cannot rule out it being true

Posted by HawkeyeNew to this group, thanks for having me :) Thought I would share something that has had my poor wee atheist brain turning for a few days (the article is a few days old).

Posted by McflewsterWhere Religion ,Monarchy and Private Education meet. Taken from the Book "BOY" by Roald Dahl "Tales of Childhood" []

Posted by webspider555I’m beginning to wonder whether our government is just incompetent or are all these things happening just to get us in a rage arguing amongst ourselves.

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