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EU elections

it looks there is a clear splt between leavers and remainers in the voting.. One thing is certain Farage will be even mor insufferable than before. what happens now ? A second referendum hopefully.
Although far right parties have made some gains in the rest of Europe they have not been as great as feared,

Moravian 8 May 27
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Interesting that if you take Farage's personality and Bank's support away from UKIP and put them both behind an alternative brand with literally no policies or manifesto other than "Brexit" then all the electorate goes with them.

MattHardy Level 7 May 28, 2019

Ukip were lurching to the right even before Farage left and took most of the Brexiteers with him. They now have unsavoury characters like Carl Benjamin and Tommy Robinson in their ranks so it's good to see them sidelined.

As usual the news media is giving a false picture giving the impression that this has been a great victory for the leavers. The Brexit party only gained three more seats than the old UKIP and the combined Lib Dem,Greens, and SNP totalled more votes than the leavers so it looks promising for a new referendum.


The electoral turn out was very low, about 31% half of the Pan-European average of 60+% so seems only to have been taken seriously by ardent remainers and ardent Brexiteers.
It may be enough to force a general election with hopefully enough of the populous taking the vote seriously oust the Tories, clip the wings of labour and leave an alliance of Pro-remain parties strong enough to put an end to this utter nonsense once and for all.


Farage is only insufferable as long as the BBC keep interviewing him in the interest of "balance"

Farage is an awful man, but he does have stage presence, a warped charisma and entertainment value, traits he shares with Trump the terrible, who rode an uneducated populist wave all the way to the white house.
worrying, most worrying.

Got to agree there. Populist politics is the most concerning prospect facing the international community. More so than the climate issues. Just a couple of drugged and drunk fuckheads behind their respective countries steering wheels can cause immense carnage if there are not sensible people keeping them in check.


Total voters remain is greater than total voters out. It is easy to see why Farage did not publish any policies. Once that is done his position will be nowhere near as strong.

Mcflewster Level 8 May 27, 2019

"Total voters remain is greater than total voters out." For this to be absolutely true Labour would have to throw in its lot committing all to Remain. It really depends on the proportion of retainers and leavers in Labour. I THINK it is about one third leave and two thirds remain. However the prospect of really destroying both Brexit Party and Conservatives by a second referendum ending Brexit SHOULD be the best inducement for labour leavers to convert fully to Labour remainers . What are the chances ?


I think we have to accept it as a clear message from the voters - Labour and Conservatives are going to have to take up a firm position one way or the other. I agree about the rest of Europe - the centre left and right parties just about held their own despite some extremist gains. Pleased about the Green surge though.

CeliaVL Level 7 May 27, 2019

They may not, in which case the LibDems may make an even bigger comeback. After last night's revelations I would not be surprised at anything. Personally, I wish that the Greens and LDs would get together and form a really strong and progressive alliance. It may happen in the EU, why not here in the UK? Or am I fantasising?

@Red_Cat No I don't think you are fantasising at all, the past three years have shown up the two main parties for what they really are, self serving, appeasing, weak, waffling con merchants.
I hope this may be the end of two party politics in the UK, but then I too maybe indulging in wishful thinking.

@LenHazell53 I have been an advocate of Proportional Representation in the UK for decades. Just maybe we have taken a (perhaps unwitting) step towards PR. I hope so.

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