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A chink of light in the gloom
Lib Dems win by election

Moravian 8 Aug 2
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The on going game of of political pass the parcel,once more allows the tories to pass on the brexit bomb in a box.
So when the whole Brexit mess goes tits up, one way or the other, "Good old Boris" can lead his merry bunch of leaches in to the next election crying "Well I tried my best, but the other parties would (or would not) allow the committing of national ritual Seppuku, on your behalf, but vote me back in and I'll make the best of a bad job"


Unfortunately, Lib Dems only do well in by-elections, rarely in national ones. That's because they are basically a way in which to register a protest vote, not a policy intention.

Petter Level 9 Aug 2, 2019

Historically yes but with the polarisation of the vote between populist right wing conservatism and far left socialism under Corbyn and McDonnel , things could change.

@Moravian Socialism under Corbyn and Macdonnell is hardly 'far-left'. UK Labour's policies are essentially the centre-left of the rest of Europe. The policies only appear to be far left because the Conservatives have moved the UK so far to the right, copying the USA as much as they can. Brecon and Radnor has never been a Labour seat so one would expect to see tactical voting there, but it is a farming area so perhaps farmers, who largely voted Leave across the country, are beginning to wake up to the harm that leaving the EU under the Conservatives will do them.

@Moravian Bear in mind, also, that if the Brexit party had stood aside, as did Plaid Cymru and the Greens on behalf of the Lib Dems, then the Conservatives would have retained the seat very comfortably. So the Lib Dems are not really any greater than historically.

@Petter The Lib Dem’s held this seat before the Tories won it last time...don’t underestimate the Lib Dem vote....they are not just a protest party.

@Marionville They will need a far greater leader before they ever become a dominant factor. In fact, Britain has a dearth of real leaders these days.

@Petter She hasnt been in office as leader more than a week...rather brief to be able to judge. I actually disagree...she is unambiguous in what she stands for unlike Johnston & Corbyn. Farage is equally clear on the other side, but has no policies beyond Brexit, unlike the Lib Dems who have progressive policies beyond just remaining in the EU. They have traditionally always done well in the south west and other remote rural areas.

@Marionville We'll see. 20/20 hindsight is amazingly accurate!

@CeliaVL I used the term "far left" to compare them with the Tories ,but they are considerably further to the left then the last Labour Govt who were really neo cons.

I would like to see the Lib Dems do well in England and I think they would pick up some votes from dissaffected Tory and Labour people.

They are almost certain to keep the Shetland seat vacated by Tavish Scott,but it will be interesting to see where the other votes go.


Great...! Chipped away another little bit at Tories’ wafer thin majority to only....ONE! Labour came fourth btw...behind the Tories and Brexit party!


Excellent. Who did they take it from?

From the Tories. The sitting member was kicked out for cheating on his expenses but was allowed to stand for re election again which is a bit odd. Great news.

@Moravian Yessss!

@Moravian It's not odd they wanted to lose.
Boris has been playing the long game to get in to no.10 and the WHOLE of his reputation since graduation has been built on hating europe, riling up the anti euro idiots and being the champion of the working "bloke".
The very last thing he want is to be out of Europe, he supported Cameron in the referendum on the surety that they would loose, that is why he pushed for the £35 million battle bus, he knew it was a lie and he knew it would be found out and he thought it would scupper the leave campaign, but it did not which is why when Cameron ran for the hills he stepped down despite the fact people were clamouring for him to become PM and allowed the idiot May to become PM. She was played like a harp from Hell and used to take all the shit being thrown and to disgrace herself by being unable to deliver the impossible .
NOW Boris can ride in like st. George on a white charger and win or lose can say "I tried my best," and gather all the plaudits, admiration and a prime ministerial pension.

@LenHazell53 You are making him out to be more Machiavellian than Machiavelli himself. Is he really that clever ?. Time will tell.

@Moravian Perhaps, he may indeed only be the public face of a group of Bullingdon Club old boys, he certainly cannot be as stupid as he plays himself up to be and has proven himself time and again a master of misdirection. As you say only time will tell.

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