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I do NOT want to be SOLD anything,including BREXIT by dodgy salespersons. I want to be reasoned towards it. Nothing better than EU so far!.

Mcflewster 8 Oct 14
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Bendy bananas and bendy cucumbers, chips in newspapers again what more do you want ???

Simon1 Level 7 Oct 14, 2019

These are myths about regulation. Are you a shopkeeper? who hates decimalisation too? There is nothing wrong with agreed regulation it protects us !!!. You can always bend a banana to some different shape but straight ones get here cheaper as do corgettes

You forgot the blue passport...that’s high on our wants list!

@Marionville the blue passports made in France shit yeah forgot about them

@Marionville I am colour blind [well a particular type]. I have no faith in my colour judgement


I'll see if I can come up with a viable Brexit argument. It may take some time, probably longer than Brexit in fact. But I'll try.

Sofabeast Level 7 Oct 14, 2019

In the meantime - blue passports made in France.

It’s all too sad to be true....but it unfortunately is! 😢

@OwlInASack I'm a mature student in social sciences, right now we should be studying the EU and Brexit, but it hasn't happened yet, so we've switched to next years module instead. That being USA.
However, I will have to come up with several viable arguments for Brexit and back them with evidence by end of February so as to balance analysis in assessments and possible final exam.
Border control - applies both ways
Health cover - probable loss of EU health cover
Free trade - long term trade deals which may or may not favour the UK as we do not have the shere power of the EU economy to gain favourable terms.
Duty Free to the EU - hmm possible
Soverignty - applies both ways, the UK will be subject to EU sovereignty in a way we are currently free of.
Travel - Roaming charges for moblie phones, border checks, work, living abroad, studying abroad?
Trade - delays and price rises of EU goods and services.
Law - Mostly unchanged, but could change the day after departure.
Confounding factors - Internal strife? Loss of NHS? Tax rises? Loss of societal structures, institutions and norms? Inflation? Riots? Break up of the Union? Civil War?
On the up side, those blue passports if we can still get them delivered, not neading to teach our kids foreign languages at school - saving money, no more foreign muck (food), Carry On movies, return to British values, Imperial measurements, Old Money ( I miss half-crowns), casual racism, casual sexisum, ignorance and ration cards!
I wonder if I can get Scottish Citizenship?

Best of luck !

@Sofabeast Soverignty does not pass between EU an UKand vice versa.
it is shared.

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