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What a stupid woman. I have never heard of Rachel Riley but if she doesn't know the difference between antisemetism and racism is she intelligent enough to be a TV presenter ?.
To anyone who has investigated the the whole debacle in the Labour party it is obviously that it was stirred up by zionists in the party

Moravian 8 Nov 21
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Antisemitism is a form of racism and Corbyn has repeatedly condemned it. All the evidence is that antisemitism is lower among Labour than among the general population and far lower than among certain other parties. Bercow (who is Jewish) rubbished the claims of antisemitism on account of having never had an antisemitic incident from anyone in the Labour party. One of the times he said this to a journalist, he took a meaningful glance to his right and said "which is more than I can say for certain other parties." (In the Chamber, the Tories sit to his right)
I had to look her up as well and... wow. Taking a picture of Corbyn being arrested under Tory laws for daring to protest South African Apartheid... and replacing his anti-Apartheid placard with a caption calling him racist... the irony is so strong we'll need to keep her away from magnets.

Jalnor Level 6 Nov 21, 2019

All very true although i still question antisemitism being racist. I even hear Islamaphobes being called racist which is ridiculous.The racist label is way overused these days

Well, since Jews don't tend to proselytise, the majority of them are a racial group and antisemitic types usually extend their prejudice to anyone of Jewish heritage who follows another religion or no religion, as they are viewed as a racial line.
It's less so with Muslims, but since they don't tend to do much interbreeding with members of other religions (exception for those who will convert) and it's been that way for a very long time, they are for the most part genetically distinct from the rest of the planet's population, but it's a rather less pronounced distinction than that of Jewish people.


I'm not sure what you're getting at. Pretty sure that antisemetism is a form of racism and so if someone is antisemetic then it follows that they are racist doesn't it?
I'm not saying whether Jeremy Corbyn is or isn't antisemetic just wondering why you're suggesting Rachel Riley doesn't know the difference between antisemetism and racism?

MattHardy Level 7 Nov 21, 2019

Because Judaism is a culture and religion and not a race. Over the years many people have converted to Judaism just a smany Jews have converted to Christianity. Antisemetism is also a misnomer as Arabs are also semetic people but for many years antisemetism has been used solely as a hatred of Jews

@Moravian Jews are a race as well as a culture and religion. These are not exclusive. Nonetheless hostility or predudice against a creed, culture, religion OR race fits the my understanding of racism and I would suggest that's also a generally accepted definition even if not the tightest one. Certainly these predjudices fall under the same statute in UK law. So the whole race/religion point is rather moot in my view. Whislt we're talking about accepted definitions, Anitsemetism means hostility or predudice agianst Jews as a religious or racial group.
I have encountered people who attempt to deny these definitions in the same way as you have. I'm sorry to say that you're not in great company in this.
Mostly their motivations seems to be, to hold that their own hostility or predudice agianst Jews as a religious or racial group is neither anti semetic nor racist. A rather pointless exercise as to paraphrase the bard, "What is in a name? A turd by any other name would still reek of shit"
I shall however charitably assume that their daft semantics have not also tainted you with the odour of their bigotry and you're simply being pernickerty. Something I find to be a far more agreeable trait (as you can probably tell 😉 )

@Moravian I'll also add that Rachel Riley is an atheist. She's not jewish by religion but nonetheless her involvement in the fight against anti semitism began when she posted about a visit to Aushwitz and was met with holocaust denial and conspiracy theories.

@MattHardy Wow. You are a bit touchy. I disagree with you over the depiction of what depicts a race and you group me together with people who are hostile to Jews in particular.
Have you read Shlomo sand's book "The Invention of the Jewish people". I think you should. you may learn something. here is a little exerpt. "most modern Jews are descended from converts,whose native lands were scattered accross the middle east and Eastern Europe"
I find prejudice against any group abhorrent and I couldn;t care less whether Riley is an atheist or a devout follower, to depict Corbyn as a racist whist he was actively protesting against apartheit was nasty and ridiculous


I think I will leave the last word to a judge in the USA

@Moravian I'm glad to hear that my assumptions were warranted and that we both agree that prejudice against any group is abhorrent. I'm not sure how you disagree with me on what depicts a race. I've barely mentioned race, only racism. And I'm glad that you've supplied a link to an article that explains in far more detail why anti-semtism is racism whether or not it's targeting ethnicity, culture, heritage ] or religion. I mention Rachel Riley's atheism in counterpoint to your earlier claim that antisemitism solely targets religion rather than ethnic heritage. She does not follow the Jewish faith yet is targeted for antisemitic abuse. As your article states.

"In reality, racism manufactures racial differences. Jewish people are not a different race. But Hornsby's ruling correctly identifies the parsing of DNA as irrelevant to racism and racist ideas. Racism occurs when marginalized people are treated as a different race and discriminated against on that basis."

It seems that we are reaching some consensus.


Her intelligence lies in her maths skills...which she undoubtedly has. Apart from that she’s extremely pretty and decorative, and replaced Carol Vordernan on Countdown when Channel 4 wanted a younger model of maths whizz.

I laughed at her Twitter bio talking about Occam's Razor - a concept she clearly didn't apply to this situation 😉


Yeah but she is beautiful and that's good enough for most people ...

Simon1 Level 7 Nov 21, 2019

She’s not dim either...she’s a maths genius. Evidently history and current affairs are not her thing!

@Marionville indoctrination can effect the most intelligent

@Simon1 She’s lacking in awareness and her intelligence is confined to the numerical part of her brain.

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