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An exciting day for Rugby fans who follow the Six Nations , I’m just watching the anthems being sung at the Ireland v Wales match in Dublin, and will be rooting for my second team Ireland. Later on this afternoon it will be the turn of Scotland to host the Calcutta Cup match between Scotland & England at Murrayfield, and I don’t need to tell you who I’ll be cheering on. Tomorrow will be the venue for the France v Italy match, and it’ll have to be Italy, the underdogs whose side I’ll be on.

It’s also Election Day in Ireland, and it will make for a very busy Dublin today. It’s a three horse race between the parties with Mary-Lou MacDonald and Sinn Fein doing very well in the opinion polls. It will be an interesting result tomorrow perhaps.

Marionville 10 Feb 8
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Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

England have it....f ......k and other naughty words! Going to have my pasta now...and a glass of red wine! I’m disjaskit..Scots for disgusted. 🤨

@Marionville Fornications!! Excretions!!
I'm now preparing two Turkey chops, to be served with Broccoli sprouts, spring garlic and marrow.
Plus a glass of French Merlot.
Pole, memsahib. ... Swahili for sympathies, milady.

@Petter I’ve just had Tagliatelle with Arrabiata sauce to which I added some sliced Cumberland sausage and accompanied by McGiugan’s Private Bin Merlot, a favourite of mine, I’m now making coffee and eyeing a box of chocolates left over from Christmas. I will post some of my favourite music in a couple of my groups and that will have to do as consolation. Thank for your condolences, they’re appreciated.

@Marionville You have chocolate left over from Christmas? Were you poorly?

@Petter I was saving it for just such an occasion! I like to keep something for emergencies!

@MissKathleen "Cooking with" can be a rewarding experience. It can also lead to manslaughter, and I mean MANslaughter, when a female cook takes umbrage.

@MissKathleen Our household is slightly different. I do almost all the cooking and my wife does almost all the cleaning up.
In fact that rule seems to apply to the household division of labour. My task is to make the mess and her task is to tidy up the mess. 😂


Reprieve! Farrell missed again.

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020


Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

Half an hour still to go!

@Marionville worried? If it's a draw, Scotland retain the cup, remember.

@Petter Things are looking marginally brighter!


Half time. I'm unimpressed by the weather. The commentator was right when he said Scotland has two seasons, June and Winter!

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

Actually...that is a gross exaggeration, and you will note it was an Englishman who said it! There is no such thing as Scottish weather per varies from North to South and East to West. Edinburgh and the east coast tends to have dry but cold weather in February, very little snow because of the closeness to the sea, and a lot of winter sunshine, unlike Glasgow and the west coast where it gets a lot of rain, like here. Anyway they’ve evened the score to 3-3.

@Marionville At least, if it's raining, there's no snow and it's above zero degrees.

@Petter Always a bonus unless you like sledging!


Could have been 9-0 eo far. Scotland being saved from Farrell's boot by the weather!

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

Sshh...I’m watching it ! I already know that!! It’s penalty after penalty..ugh! I need a refill!


Bit wet. Too many mistakes and penalties by Scotland, so far.

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

Too early to judge...but yes..silly penalties!


I hear bagpipes? I see an aged, rugby loving princess. ... !!!!!!!

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

And the Proclaimers! Now our unofficial National anthem...Flower of Scotland...I’m swelling up with pride! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


France versus Italy, tonight at 8pm UK time. Can Italy's women win?
Why isn't the womens' game shown live on TV??

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

They don’t think they’ll get the viewing figures for a women’s game on a Saturday night.

@Marionville So instead they show low IQ trashy stuff. Dad's Army repeats, celebrities trying to dance, singers wearing masks ...

@Petter Gotta give the people what they want!


Compensation try for Wales in "red time".
Ireland 24 Wales 14

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

Yes...I’ve switched over to BBC now to the build up to the Calcutta Cup match. Think I’ll just skip the tea and go straight to the hard stuff!

@Marionville What? Surely not (gasp!) c c c coffee?

@Petter No it’s actually a G & T...not very Scottish I know, but at this time of the day it’s my tipple of choice! Chin chin!!

@Petter The weather looks horrendous, just seen Princess Anne who is Patron of the Scottish Rugby Union greet all the players. My son Neil is at the match, up from Leicester with his pals, he’s the only Scotland supporter amongst them. 9 against 1..that will be fun later!

@Marionville Maybe I'll add a shot of brandy to my tea. Chin, chin, lady!!
Why, oh why, not "Land of Hope and Glory"?

@Marionville Flower of Scotland. Much better!!

@Petter of course!


Amazing. 4 tries by Ireland. They're on course for a grand slam.

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

Since Scotland are out of the running for that...Ireland are the next best thing!

@Marionville I can't see France losing to Italy, so France too are still on course.

@Petter Yes...can never rule out France..they beat England solidly last week...even though England fought back in the second half.


Everything but tries! Wales have been so close so often in this third quarter.

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

I’m afraid they’re going down to a loss today Petter...4 minutes to go and it’s 24-7 for Ireland!


Another Irish try. They really are a trying race! 🤣😂
How would the "feel good" factor affect election results, do you think?

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

Not..I’d think! Why would it, most people will have voted already.


Back again! Don't choke on your cuppa!

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

What cuppa? I’ve been too busy typing away replying to posts here to even get the kettle on!


Half time. Ireland 12, Wales 7.
A fast, open game this. ... and all the scoring via tries. Not even one penalty point score.
Time to put the kettle on. This calls for a stiff cuppa!!

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

It’s very windy...I’m only up the road from Dublin and it’s blowing in gusts here, so must be difficult to kick with any accuracy! Johnny Sexton rarely misses a penalty !

@Marionville Neither do Halfpenny or Biggar miss many. Conway also made a good kick down the touchline, from his 22 to the Wales 22.
If rain starts, the style of game will have to change, of course. Pity. I'm enjoying it as it is.


The election results will indeed be interesting.

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

Very much so!


I wonder if the Calcutta Cup will be able to stay where it is for yet another year. That would certainly deflate the Sassenach!
Do you watch the Women's Six Nations. I wonder if Italy can lift the trophy and jeer at the men!!
Wales 7, Ireland 5. Close game so far!!

Petter Level 9 Feb 8, 2020

Hate to burst your bubble Petter...the score is now 12-7 for Ireland!


Interesting his time. How do you think Sinn Fein will do?

Quite well I think...the younger Irish who are now of voting age don't connect them with their violent IRA past and vote for them because they like their programme of building affordable’s a winner in Republic because there’s a housing shortage. So it’s really on their economy and other social policies that they’re fighting this election on, not the border or re-unification.

@Marionville That’s good news. I always had a greater affinity with the Republicans rather than the Unionists.

@Geoffrey51 The Unionists are a dour lot...not much to like. Whilst saying that most of my friends are Prods. I keep telling them not to vote DUP but darkly suspect most of them do.

@Marionville That’s what I’ve always thought. Rev Ian Paisley v Dave Allen!

@Geoffrey51 No contest there! 😂 .I have lots of Catholic friends too, and I love them all, but the Catholic ones have fewer hang ups and know how to have a good time.

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