4 5

So Sir Keir Starmer is the new labour leader.
Hopefully, labour will become a serious and sensible alternative to Tory government now.

I also agree with this bit:-
"Sir Keir has described himself as a socialist but not a Corbynite, and vowed to keep key policies from the Corbyn era, such as nationalising rail, mail and water and repealing anti-union laws, in a 10-point plan."
I feel those services should never have been privatised.
At least, Boris now has an effective brake for those occasions when he gets carried away.

Petter 9 Apr 4
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Promising, indeed. I disagree with Starmer on many points, since he's centre-left whereas I'm far-left (I disagreed with slightly-lefter-centre-left Corbyn, too) and would ideologically have picked Long-Bailey. However, I do think Starmer is the right person for the position at the moment, being far more TV-friendly than Corbyn was and quite possibly more than Johnson is too. I also like his renationalisation policies and he'll back the NHS, as well as taking Labour's antisemitism problem more seriously than Corbyn did, so he got my vote.

I also think - and hope - that he can probably win an election.

(For the record, I don't believe for even one second that Corbyn has an antisemitic bone in his body. The trouble is, antisemitism is so alien to his way of thinking that I think he's simply unable to comprehend that it really exists.)

Jnei Level 8 Apr 4, 2020

Glad you have seen the value of good tactics.


Totally agree with your comment, Petter


I think it’s a great decision that the Labour membership has made in electing him...the first sensible thing they’ve done since before the Corbyn era. It will however, be a long slog back from where they now are, to getting back into government. Starmer has got to pull all strands of the party together and put together a strategy for winning back those natural Labour voters lost to the Tories recently, but to also be able to win over other voters, even Tories, who don't like the lurch to the right that their party has taken. This current Covid 19 crisis will leave the economy in a bad way after it passes and we will then move into a period of trying to reconstruct it in some way, what this current government decides to do is anyone’s guess, but we do need Labour to formulate a credible strategy of their own in order to challenge and hold Boris and his lot to account.


Post office ?

Fernapple Level 9 Apr 4, 2020

Yes. Royal Mail should never have been privatised.

@Petter Just about every country in the world has a postal service, save one.

@Fernapple Britain's postal service was sold off to private business interests and became fragmented, with companies cherry picking the juciest bits and abandoning remote places.

@Petter Yep.

@Fernapple Margaret Thatcher became fixated on privatising everything. She wanted to make Britain into as rampantly capitalistic a country as the USA.

@Petter I think even the US has a post office.

@Fernapple Maybe she wanted to go one up!

@Fernapple The Republicans have been after ours for decades but Amazon saved us.

@Lorajay Sad that it takes Amazon to do it.

@Lorajay, @OwlInASack If I remember right, he was the one who, in a country with a housing shortage, gave a tax relief to his wealthy pals with second homes, gave the world a new word for lying, and covered up his attachment to a religious movement until he was out of office.

@OwlInASack Yes I forgot the war crimes. I have always been wary of people who try to charm their way to power, charm is like guns, it is something you reach for when you know you can not win the argument or prove your case, but intend to win anyway, at any price. It is trite to compare people to the nazis, but he took the same route to power, if you stand for nothing and have no priciples, then you can tell everyone that you agree with them , and make that illusion last long enough, until its too late, for people to go back. and take away the power they have mistakenly given you.

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