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This stupid woman's actions reflect badly on Nicola Sturgeon, the Holyrood govt. and the whole country.
I hope she has the good grace to just fade away into obscurity.

Moravian 8 Apr 6
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Sad occurrence

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 6, 2020

I believe we should all stay-at-home. If I had a second home and both of my homes had a garage and I traveled between the 2 homes with the windows up, how would that trip actually be against the isolation order?

It does magnify the difference in privilege which here in America is totally ignored unfortunately.

Lorajay Level 9 Apr 6, 2020

Staying at home is great. But not foolproof, it slows down the spread of the virus rather than halts it. We still have some level of contact with the outside world however we get our shopping or exercise. It makes sense that the further and more frequently we travel the faster it spreads.


She is, of course, now doing so.

Petter Level 9 Apr 6, 2020

She was obviously wrong and it was also wrong for Nicola Sturgeon to sack her. She was intelligent enough to do the right thing and resign for showing bad example . Wish Boris and Trump would do that. Piers Morgan took the side of those who find it difficult to do the right thing [As in HIS childhood] through lack of science ' nonse' and so himself doing the wrong thing. They do not need defending. He also attacked Nicola Sturgeon for NOT sacking her. We do not know fully her side but it is unlikely to add much with two visits and her probable fault was to think that she was different [More immune or not a transmitter ] than anyone else .

Did she jump or was she pushed ?

@Moravian I do not think this matters. It is not for a leader to correct others mistakes ( as Jesus did ).


She has resigned.

Red_Cat Level 7 Apr 6, 2020

She was an 'officer' of state, in other words, civil servant, and therefore the virus event was her first foray on to the political stage and into public life as such. She therefore needed to understand that her behaviour as a public figure, needed to be different from that of a civil servant, because the behaviour of public figures is subject to public scrutiny, and leadership by example is the most important role of a political figure.

It is a mistake that many people new to politics/public life make, ( and some who have always been in politics, ). But sadly in her case that is no excuse, she was not a football player, or pop star, but a technical expert charged with the management of a large public institution, and therefore she should have been expected to show a higher level of intelligence, understanding and morality suited to that position. That she did not, calls into question not only her own qualities but the, effectiveness of the system which placed someone of her abilities in that position.

Fernapple Level 9 Apr 6, 2020

She is the worst kind of hypocrite and has been very publicly caught out. However, I can’t agree that her actions reflect badly on anyone but herself. Nicola Sturgeon didn’t throw her under the bus, she did the right thing by making Dr. Calderwood appear with her to make that very cringeworthy public apology which must have felt humiliating beyond measure for her. She has been publicity shamed and rightly vilified, and everyone in Scotland and the rest of the country now know that no matter who they are the advice must be followed. Had Dr.Calderwood been sacked on the spot and not given the very public platform in which to apologise & squirm in front of the cameras, that would have made The First Minister and the Scottish Govt, look weak in my opinion and make it appear that their judgement was bad in appointing her, but this way she has only made herself look weak and ridiculous.

Nicola did say initially that Calderwood was essential with her expertise and advice and was not being sacked but no doubt the public reaction was such that she had to go. I am sure that resigning is a uephemism for being sacked.
Looking on facebook, it has given the Nicola bashers an opportunity to spout their usual nonsense.

@Moravian The Nicola haters in Scotland may have field day, but Nicola is actually admired as a strong leader elsewhere in the UK. Allowing Dr Calderwood to appear that she’d resigned after being publicly humiliated on TV made Nicola look magnanimous and statesmanlike by comparison.

@Marionville Personally I think she has handled the situation well. She initiated the maximum 500 people in any gathering in Scotland while football matches with tens of thouasnds were still going ahead in England.
I read that she persuaded Boris to initiate the lockdown nationwide when he preferred the "herd immunity" procedeure promoted by Cummings. Don't know if there is any truth in that but certainly the Westminster govt were slow to act

@Moravian I think Nicola is a very clever and competent leader, Scotland should consider itself lucky to have her,

@Marionville Scottish politics has always been a "fishy" business. Just look at the names.
I rest my case!!

@Petter I can’t argue with these facts! 😂

@Marionville Watertight, in essence.

@Petter Darling ?. Anyway he was a Tory Westminster MP so he doesn't count.

@Moravian Silver Darlings. Herrings.

@Petter I got than one!

@Marionville Pickled or sober?

@Petter Soused!

@Petter good one 🙂

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