6 2

I haven't been offered thoughts and prayers in a loooong time. I had a bicycle wreck yesterday (Thank Set the other guy has good insurance).

Well today, I had at least three people offer thoughts and prayers and I feel much closer to Baal and if I take a few more oxy I'm betting Aphrodite will honor the heartfelt prayers and meaningless drivel.

educatedredneck 7 June 14
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Sorry about your current condition, and hope you improve soon. My office sends around a card for anyone who has home issues (accidents, deaths...) and so many people offer prayers, I have a hard time with the whole concept now. For people I care about, I offer hugs. For people I know well, I offer food, babysitting, etc. Enjoy the drugs and your close personal relationship with Aphrodite while you can. 🙂

Holli Level 6 June 17, 2018

My non LDS neighbors (I'm in Utah) and and the UU have been phenomenal. I had to ask them to stop sending food.

Most people know how I feel about prayers, but I did get a few drops of drivel this week. My friends respected boundaries on my public page, but some of the IMs were hilarious.


Oh my, nothing like adding insult to injury. I hope you have no broken bones. I've found soaking in a hot bath soothing for soft tissue injuries.

pixiedust Level 8 June 16, 2018

double fracture in the R thumb and hairline fracture in L ankle, neither serious. I'll see ortho next week but I'm pretty sure no surgeries.

Stitches in the lips and nose HURT, wow! At least there was a bevvy of cute nurses and a hot doc in the ER. LOL the doc and I chatted about Sam Harris!

@educatedredneck Ouch! I hope no surgery although it does sound as if you'll be hurting for a while. Be careful of your ankle, especially and don't try to walk too much too soon even if you're bored. I hope you have someone around who can help out and keep you company.

I'm glad your sense of humour remains intact. I've always found laughing helps even when it hurts.


Prayers are the least you can do :0


My goodness.... It's a cheap, feel-good way of doing nothing.


Thats a good rant, now go out and pray ! Sorry, Play

VAL3941 Level 8 June 14, 2018

Feel better

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