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I just joined this group, thought it would be best one to post something like this:
Thought this might interest some of my fellow agnostics - I just donated my 160th pint (total 20 gallons) of blood to the Red Cross today. A nurse was nice enough to take this photo for me. Not trying to brag or show up other blood donors here. I know many who would like to donate can't for medical, etc. reasons. I have been doing this since I was an 18 year old recruit in the US Army, over 50 years. It is one of the few things in my life I feel good about.

PS...I know it's Halloween season, but that is my real dace, not a mask.🤣

Ray13 8 Oct 26
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Enjoy being online again!

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Well done Ray…that’s a record to be really proud of! You need to give yourself a good reward….👏🥰

@Ray13 Have you had a chance to listen to the new album True North in its entirety yet? It’s all on YouTube, but it can be streamed on iTunes or Spotify. The True North film can be purchased or rented on Apple TV…and maybe other platforms which I don’t know about. If you do get a chance to see the film where you’ll see them sing 10 of the 12 new songs as they were recorded, do try to. The album, CD and film can also be purchased directly from a-ha’s website.


Bloody Marvelous!

Mcflewster Level 8 Oct 26, 2022

Good Job !
I used to. Then they accused me of having Hep C.
I said " Well do I or don't I?"
" We don't know, you'll have to find out."
I said " Aren't you the blood experts??"

Anyway, I got the labs done and got cleared, just never got around to dealing with their bureaucracy. Eventually I will......

twill Level 7 Oct 26, 2022

@Ray13 YW Ray13. And I will start giving again


I have rare A-negative blood. Donated blood to Red Cross for years.

Veins in my inner elbows got scarred. "See the veins in the back of my hands?" I asked. Red Cross only takes blood from inner elbows. So long, Red Cross.

My Rh negative blood is a problem during pregnancy if the baby is Rh positive. The doctor ordered injections. Claire was born healthy. Hooray!

I’m O Negative…known as the universal donor and used to give blood regularly until I had jaundice and couldn’t any more. When I had my two boys they gave me injections both times afterwards to counteract the Rh positive antibodies left in my body …that was in case I became pregnant again.

@Ray13 The opposite of me…you’re the universal recipient!


Thanks, Ray. I know how important the donations are. My husband was given blood a couple of months ago, & we appreciate people like you.

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