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I wish we could evolve a little bit now. I read a remark about whats right vs. politics. it set me to thinking......yeah, i know. Lately, ive been feeling like this bus ain't turning around. Ever. I'm talking about this government train. I'm talking about our society. I'm talking about the America that we grew up with, at least its promises and some kind of general decent, considerate, effort to improve lives instead of profits and pride. perhaps I'm just giving up hope, but my rationale and my gut says it's a false expectation to believe this society, or for that matter this planets hability hasn't already reached an Event Horizon. I think I've been naive. So thats my gripe. plus doing laundry sucks.

hankster 9 Sep 20
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In some ways, I'm optimistic: I think Marx was right and what we're currently witnessing is the final, violent death throes of capitalism. In other ways, I'm pessimistic: I don't think it really matters because I believe we've probably already passed the environmental collapse event horizon and we are, to use the scientific term, royally fucked.

Jnei Level 8 Sep 20, 2018

Sometimes right on the cusp of utter disaster we evolve - sometimes not.

At least I can do laundry. Sigh.

RavenCT Level 9 Sep 20, 2018


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Posted by z0000I don't even know if this is valid and even if it was, wouldn't it just make 45 hate Canada more ?

Posted by OpposingOpposumI live with a bunch of destructive assholes. Dog killed the kids "shaggy" figurine and the kid killed my eyeshadow palette. Assholes, all of 'em.

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