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This performance is by Alexandro Querevalú from Peru, therefore even though the rendition is The Last of the Mohicans, I guess it qualifies as World Music. Listening to his performance instills in me the pain and suffering experienced by the North American Tribes especially with what they had to endure from the 1600s and yes even into the present day in the US. I don't know any of the history behind the substance of the material performed, but listening to it, brings those feelings to my mind.
Justme43 7 July 16
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It's a good song. Interesting, a South American Peruvian street performer is singing a song composed for a North American natives' film. But in the end, the whole American Continent was populated by the same people or race, although there were many nations.

Merseyman1 Level 9 July 18, 2020

Thank you for posting...very thought provoking! Yes the European invaders and colonisers left a trail of bloodshed and genocide in their wake, the consequences of which are still being felt by today’s generation of indigenous Native Americans. I’ve always liked this music from Last Of The Mohicans which was composed by South African composer Trevor Jones.

Marionville Level 10 July 17, 2020

One caveat that needs to be mentioned that in both of the Americas before the 'invaders' many indigenous tribes were constantly at war with one another. Many areas started to crash and the leaders looked for other areas to overtake and build up their economy. The book "1491" isn't just about one year but the history of the areas (mostly S. America) and what anthropologists have learned. There was another about a place called "The White City" that also went into this. No place humans have habitated are free from violence. I think we also need to remember there is really no such thing as 'indigenous' unless, of course, one is from the Great Rift in Africa.

@JackPedigo I understand that...I’m not uninformed about how humans have evolved from the Rift Valley, which makes us all African in origin. What I’m talking about is from that time when the European super states began competing with each to circumnavigate the world and colonise, the “New World”, where they dominated and imposed European mores and values on, what was by that time in history, the “indigenous” people’s of both North and South America.

@Marionville Sorry, I might have sent a wrong message. Of course the European invaders were the worst of all and we can all thank the 'superior' technology of the time. Too many of us subscribe to techno-magic to save us but often it does just the opposite. Also, the disease the invaders brought were a prime cause of everything that happened. I just wanted another view. You know how I am about looking at different sides.


I love the way the contrasts make up the whole. One instrument seems to rise above the troubles in life and the other seems to express the pain caused by those troubles.

brentan Level 8 July 17, 2020

Wonderful and full of melancholy and feeling depth.

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