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We miss out on many wonderful artists, both musicians and singers, because we only have access to what the current USA/British music market is promoting at the present time. In other regions throughout the world there is much going on musically that we are unaware of...thankfully through the wonders of modern technology we can search for them ourselves...if we know what to look for that is!

As you probably know by now, I have a great interest in the Scandinavian countries and their culture and music, and have been astonished at the wealth of talent in countries such as Norway, for instance, which only has a population of 5.5 million. Here are 4 young men from Norway who are amongst their top artists, they all have solo careers but regularly share a stage to perform together. Here they perform Million Miles Away and My Street at the Oslo Spektrum - Espen Lind, Kurt Nilsen, Alejandro Fuentes and Askil Holm.

Marionville 10 July 29
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A joke about how the current USA/British music market promotes music...

Sadly...that has been the case for decades.


I love this. And I totally agree with your statement. There's a lot of good music throughout the world but those who control the American music business market ( and GB to a much lesser extend) decides who is to be listen to. When I listen to radio music in my car, there's no more than 20 songs played over and over again in each and every station day after day. Some are really bad. Airing time is paid by promotional agencies and that makes the Top Charts and that makes artists popular, and so on. I love the Internet, gadgets and apps that set us free from this scheme!

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