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Something different for you today...a documentary made in Sweden about a Syrian refugee, living now in Sweden who talks about her Muslim faith and what the call to prayer means to her, and the place a particular pop song by a-ha, called Hunting High and Low, holds in her heart and the meaning it had for her and her family when she listened to it with them in the 1980’s in their homeland. Now in exile she is visited in her new Swedish home by the vocalist from that band, Morten Harket, who travels from his home in neighbouring Norway, in winter, to meet her.

I found this film very moving in the respect that it brought home to me the impact that pop music, which can be so easily dismissed as having no value or real content, can have on individuals in other cultures and lands on the other side of the world. I too have always loved this band and this song, and one of the reasons their music speaks to me is that the message they convey is universal. Knowing that the authors of the music who are now known as a “superband” with over 100 million record sales, are caring human beings who take time out of their busy careers to reach out to one fan like this, has certainly cemented in my mind the reason why I’m drawn to this particular band and their amazing music which crosses all religious and ethnic boundaries and touches something in all of us. I call it humanity.

Marionville 10 Oct 12
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