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Auld Lang Syne . The song that is massacred around the world at new here it is sung by Dougie Mclean with lyrics shown

Moravian 8 Jan 1
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Thank you. Yes, I've heard his version before. And I agree it is so much pleasanter than last night's version.

There is some doubt as to who actually wrote the original song but the accepted version is the one adapted by Burns, There should be no other version.


Yes....there was a truly horrific version posted last night in one of my other music groups....sung by a Hungarian rock band! Thanks for posting an authentic Scottish one that Burns wouldn’t shudder at!

My new book "The Geography on Genius" the author is now in one of the remarkable cities, Edinburgh (Auld Reekie). As with Athens the city is "...a sad sack of a city. Inconvenient, dirty, old-fashioned, alcoholic, quarrelsome and poor." Yet so many amazing things came from the place. In 1989 we spent time there and I wish I had known then what I am learning now about the place.

@JackPedigo Who is the author Jack? I would have to take issue with his description of my of the most beautiful in the world.

@Marionville Eric Weiner and the 'Auld Reekie' quote was from Robert Fergusson and the rest of the quote was from a contemporary writer James Buchan. Most cities, think London, were often cesspools at one time.

@JackPedigo Oh I have always known Edinburgh as Auld Reekie. It is a long time old nickname for Edinburgh, it was given to it when the chimney smoke from the open fires in the tenements hung over the city like a blanket in the old days of the 18th & 19th centuries. The city brought in a smokeless fuel and a clean-air agenda for the city when I was still living there with my parents in the 1960s. The nickname is still affectionately used for the city. James Buchan is the grandson of John Buchan ...the author of The Thirty-nine Steps.

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