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Kamilla og Tyven (Kamilla and the Thief) is a 1988 Norwegian family movie in the Disney mould in which Morten Harket sang the theme from the soundtrack and also had a small acting role. I know you already know how much I love this man’s voice, and it’s wonderful for me to listen to him singing in his own language instead of the English he usually sings and records in. He is of course the lead singer with the internationally successful Norwegian band a-ha.

Marionville 10 Jan 17
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Have you personally mete aha? M?

Yes...once about 12 years ago. I’ve been to a few of their concerts over the years. They are very kind and appreciative of their fans, I wouldn’t be keen on them no matter how good they sounded if they didn’t have such sound core values and ethics. No drugs or cigarettes, moderate alcohol and they seem to be good husbands & fathers. They have been given highest honour a Norwegian can be bestowed, they are Knights of St.Olav, awarded to them by their King for outstanding service to Norway in the fields of Music, The Arts and Humanitarian Endeavours. Morten and Magne have been at the forefront of a green energy campaign to promote the abolition of fossil fuel, driving the first electric cars in Norway. Morten is also a UNICEF ambassador, and he campaigned for East Timor’s independence from Indonesia. Oh hell...I’m making them sound like bloody Saints! 😅


I've just been watching a Norwegian movie "Twelfth Man". No happy singing that I noticed though.

FrayedBear Level 9 Jan 17, 2021

I trust you enjoyed it just the same.

@Marionville WWII 1 man of 12 British trained saboteurs survives SS attempts to stop him escaping through northern snow covered mountains to neutral Sweden. Frostbite gangrene friendly locals and reindeer defeat brutal Nazis. Always good to see.

@FrayedBear Sounds like my kind of film...always had masculine taste in books and films.

@Marionville I was mainly interested in the scenery, the kindness, the bravery, empathy, & loyalty of most of the Norwegians. It came as a complete contrast to the over the top "the Equaliser" featuring hardware store employee Denzil Washington single handedly killing off an entire Russian mafia family for beating up a prostitute/slave that they will not sell to him.

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