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As today is the 30th anniversary of Freddie Mercury’s death I thought I’d post Barcelona the duet he sang with Spanish opera star Monserrat Caballe. Written by Freddie and Mike Moran, it was first recorded in 1987 and selected 5 years later as the official song of the 1992 Barcelona Summer Olympics where he posthumously duetted with Ms Caballe at the opening ceremony via hologram. I have chosen to post a video of the original 1987 recording,

Marionville 10 Nov 24
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Hard to believe it’s been that long since he passed. This was great!!!

Wasn’t it!

@Marionville He was such an entertainer! I loved his music and him!!!

@Redheadedgammy Yes…he was one of a kind!


Where has time gone??!!!!!!

I know…where indeed!


Wow, that 30 years went by fast! I can only imagine all the amazing things he would have accomplished had life not been so cruel. What an immense talent he was.

Lauren Level 8 Nov 24, 2021

Yes…we can but wonder what heights and highlights we’ve missed. We just have to be thankful for the musical recordings and memories he left behind for us to still enjoy. He lived life to the fullest on his own terms and that needs to be the way we appreciate his life and talent today.

@Marionville That's true, it's still a joy to listen to him, and I'm thankful we had him at all.


Typical operatic performance way over the top and filled with exaggeration.

Freddie was an OTT personality….I guess he wanted to express that natural exuberance and vocal virtuosity. He admired Caballe and her vocal range & dexterity, and he composed this with a view to singing it with her as a duet…which she agreed to do. It’s an homage to her and to the city of her birth, it’s meant to be over the top ….as you put it. It’s deliberately larger than life and extravagant as he wrote this when he knew his own powers were waning due to him being ill with AIDS. I think he was proving a point to himself and the world that he was still a force to be reckoned with.

@Marionville yes . 🙌🙌🙌

@Pralina1 🤗

@Marionville Beautifully written Marje! I agree with every word you wrote!!

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