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More Slack Key Guitar, from Hawaii. This time it's Paul Togioka, who lives on Kauai and plays for my weddings sometimes. This is a song he wrote describing (with the music) a mule ride he took on the Island of Molokai. My daughter and I are planning a trip to Molokai in March. Not sure if we'll do the mule ride. 😉

This background is not Molokai, in case anyone is wondering. It's his backyard on Kauai.

Julie808 8 Jan 6
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So that single adjustment puts the major tuning into a minor key. The guitar is open tuned to G Major. It really is not hard to play like that with open tuning as your normal.

I'm not a musician, so it would be hard for me. The various tunings are passed from master to student, and shared with their contemporaries. Each musician I go to see in live performances always credits the masters who influenced them and shared their unique styles and compositions. I'm a great admirer of the musicians I know who have mastered the skill and entertain those of us who can't play any instruments. I'm glad this style is easy for you to pick up. For most it takes years of practice and experimenting.

@Julie808 In the early 60's I listened to Peter Paul and Mary and have spent a lifetime learning to play what Peter and Paul were playing by myself. Essentially my thumb plays the three bass strings and my forefinger the 4th, my middle the 5th and my 4th finger plays the 6th or highest note string. This is pretty rigorous. Essentially all of the melodies I've seen here of slack style are being played in the same way.


Really lovely sound. Enjoy your trip in March…let us know if you decide to take the mule ride!

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