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There are Celtic Rock bands in Scotland and Ireland…but not confined to there, in many other parts of the world too. Celtica for instance is a European band, formed in 2009 by Austrian guitarist and composer Gajus Stappen…and drawing musicians from an assortment of different countries. Here they rock the pipes at Montelago 2017.

Marionville 10 Jan 20
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Great sound and show. Is the fire representing something symbolic?

Just making a spectacle I think…perhaps it represents something but I’m not aware of it.


Thoroughly entertained! Thank You!

Zster Level 8 Jan 20, 2022

So glad to hear it…quite fun really I think!


Usual complaint - I could do without the frigging drum set. But I've loved this sort of music since finding the Tannahill Weavers and then the Battlefield Band back in the mid seventies. The fires at the start were fun and then piles of smoke. The Bach was a surprise morphing into a reel.

Good to hear you enjoyed it…well most of it anyway!

Redheadedgammy: what does the symbol you used mean? Does it mean " um, what are you talking about?" or "you're a bit weird".

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