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The Canary Islands are a group of Islands belonging to Spain which lie in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwest coast of Africa. They have long been a favourite holiday destination of Europeans, Brits in particular, especially at this time of the year. I’ve spent a few holidays there myself over the years, on Tenerife and Gran Canaria. A friend of mine is on holiday on Gran Canaria at present which prompted this post of Canarian music with Spanish Guitar from Benito Cabrera - Nube De Heilo, and Armik - Pure Paradise.

Marionville 10 Feb 1
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Love the sound.


Lovely pictures. Never went there. Tune sounded as if it was Irish. It all looks like long extinct volcanoes. I liked the Flamenco when it happened. Definitely not the sort of place I'd like to live unless tucked away remotely in the mountains.

There are lots of quiet places - villages away from the coastal holiday resorts, up in the mountains…it’s the same on the Balearics..Majorca & Ibiza have some really great hidden gems away from the package-deal coastal areas.

@Marionville Do you agree that the opening melody, played with different instruments, could easily be Irish?
I rather assume that in high summer it can get very hot and humid.
I went to Corsica in high summer and also Tunisia.

@rogerbenham Yes…now you mention it at the very beginning it could be mistaken for an Irish melody. Yes…it probably does get quite hot in the middle of summer…I’ve only ever been there in Spring/early Summer or In September/October, .when it was pretty well perfect.


I once dated a man from Germany who told me about Tenerife, and how he wanted to retire there. He wanted me to come with him. I sometimes regret that I didn’t. 😉 love this music Marje, and the pictures are so beautiful!! What a gorgeous place!!

Yes…it’s really nice there. A lot of Germans go there too.

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