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The recent @Diaco - Rammstein post got me thinking about Germany, it’s history, politics, art, and …inevitably it’s music! Here is an early 20th century classic….Kurt Weill’s Mac The Knife from The Threepenny Opera. Well actually that’s the English translation but let’s listen to the original German version “Die Moritat von Mackie Messer” from “Die Dreigroschenoper” music by Weill and lyrics by Berthold Brecht and sung by Weill’s wife Lotte Lenya. It was first premiered in Berlin in 1928.

Marionville 10 Feb 7
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Really Interesting! Ah!, Lotte Lenya! Fabulous!

Yes…the legendary Lotte!


I’ve always thought German was a very guttural language, kind of harsh sounding, but it’s not bad when singing. Thanks for sharing, I love older music like this.

I started to learn it when I was younger but gave up when the grammar got complicated.

@Marionville I’ve heard that same comment from others about learning German. I can’t master Spanish and it’s supposed to be one of the easier to learn. 😉

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