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I’ve just been watching the British Ladies team win the Curling Gold Medal at the Winter Olympics in Bejing. The British men won the Curling Silver Medal in the team event yesterday…losing to a very worthy Sweden. All members in both British teams are Scottish of course…and the GB National Teams in the case of Curling are in fact the Scottish National Teams rebranded! With that in mind I’m posting Scotland’s National Anthem - Flower of Scotland….not God Save The Queen which was played in Bejing.

Marionville 10 Feb 20
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I watched the men's silver, but they didn't televise the women's & I was waiting for it all day! We got the ice skating instead.
In Canada, I'd think we should have had the curling shown, but it is what it is.
We only had two stations to sort through this time rather than the 4 or 5 as is usually the case. This time is was streamed online, but we don't subscribe to any streaming services.


I had never watched curling in my life until this years Olympics. It was interesting. Something new for me to see.

Deb57 Level 8 Feb 20, 2022

I only watch it at the Olympics as it’s not really ever on TV any other time! It seems a game of great skill and tactics.

@Marionville It is very popular in Canada

@rogerbenham Yes…I know.


Beautiful song Marje. 😘

Yes…it is Rhonda.


My ancestry is Native American, Slovakia, and......Scotland.

Mitch07102 Level 8 Feb 20, 2022

We may even be distantly related…who knows!

@Marionville All humans are related. In the span of human evolution, nations are a recent (and dangerous) phenomenon,

@Mitch07102 True enough.

@Marionville The relative we trace our ancestry to had the last name, McIntosh. In the 1830's he married a Native American woman, a member of the Creek Nation.

@Mitch07102 I’d call that a very interesting pairing!

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