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Who doesn't like Polka Music? Here is Frank Yankovic, The Polka King! And no, the big Mega-Star, Weird Al Yankovic is not related. But they were long time friends.

Reignmond 7 Mar 28
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Nope pass

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 29, 2022

No thank you…not my bag I’m afraid…although real polka music I do appreciate …such as this one by Johan Strauss the younger…

I really like this one Marje. 😍

Light classical was how I got my start. Our dad was into classical and his favorite composers were Mahler, Sibelius and Nielsen. This was way to heavy for us but I got to love Strauss and music from the Romantic period. Slowly my taste evolved and today I think some of my choices, my dad would not have appreciated (German Lieder). Later we were shocked to discover a younger brother who was always getting into trouble loved the Opera. Still like the light waltzes but not as much as before. I'm with you, though, in the Americanized accordion style is a bit strange.

Polka before it arrived in Pennsylvania

Yes, quite so, M. December 31st, 1973) I was in this hall listening to a whole Strauss concert with my new fiancee (It did not last) in Vienna. Probably my nicest holiday ever but having pots of money kind of helped!

@rogerbenham I attended a concert in this hall much more recently…in September 2019 on my Danube cruise. It was a Strauss evening too, and quite enchanting.

Can't be that good...I don't see anyone dancing. 😏
At a Polish Festival In Rochester, NY., a band leader told everyone that, " If people ain't dancing, it ain't Polka!"


Frank Yankovic & Friends - Just Because

I don't much like it, sorry.

I think you’ll prefer the one I posted above Roger…the authentic polka not some sort of pseudo American version!

@Marionville Absolutely. I have known your version most of my life See my comment above. 6 months later I emigrated to Canada, "for 5 years!"


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As a musician, of course I notice similar rhythms and meters. I play flute. Jazz, blues and classical music.

My father was a professional jazz trumpet player in Detroit from age 14 (he lied about his age to get into the Musician's Union), until age 51 when he died of cancer.


Don’t care for this one. 🥸


I hate repetitive oom-pa-pa polka music. Mexican ranch music sounds like that.

Feels like being shaken inside a snow globe.

It is interesting that you noticed the similarity of German and some Latin music. I first noticed it when I was running a Nature Center and Hispanics would set up for a day of picnicing outside the door. I actually do like it, but then I was heavily exposed to it asakid because I lived in both German and Hispanic neighborhoods of Rochester, NY.

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