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A lovely tune by Loreena McKennitt--The Lady of Shallot

RhondaShotwell 7 Apr 2
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The lyrics aren't bad either:-


The poem The Lady of Shallot by Lord Tennyson, or rather a portion of the poem, came across my Facebook feed yesterday, and someone mentioned that Loreena McKennitt had done a tune about it, so I had to find and listen to it. It was so lovely I had to share it. The poem is much longer than what was shared on FB.

@RhondaShotwell try more of her recordings. One that I frequently broadcasted, because I like it, was "Danté's Prayer"

But have a listen to all from her playlist


@FrayedBear Well, you got me there. I do not possess this. I have not heard it before. I have 4 or 5 of her albums.
I have performed Shallot on stage. As I analysed it, I realised that her timing is impeccable. The collapse with my 1st wife was partly because for 12 years she killed my playing because she could not keep time. In the Cathedral choir I conducted the choir on the other side and also adjusted the pitch of the 1st tenor (I being the 2nd) on the other side.

@rogerbenham I've loved her work for 30years after serendipityly borrowing a copy of one of her early CDs from the local library.

@rogerbenham and there are quite a few songs listed that I have not previously heard her perform.

@FrayedBear Thank you, I will!



bobwjr Level 10 Apr 2, 2022

Very much so!


I got me a bunch of Lorerna McKennitt music.

Reignmond Level 7 Apr 2, 2022

She is only a recent discovery of mine, and I've been enjoying listening to her. 🙂


This came out a long time ago and has been a massive hit in Canada. I believe that it was recorded in M's neck of the woods.


Here is a longer version.

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@rogerbenham Sorry about that! I'm not sure how to fix it.



It really is!

It misses out quite a lot of verses! Check it out M, as I think it was recorded near you.

@rogerbenham I’ve watched quite a few versions on YouTube….some of them include many more verses and run to around 11 minutes. Where do you think it was recorded?

@Marionville The one I put to Rhonda is the original. I think recorded in a country house in Antrim.

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