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The Winning 'Auana Hula Dance for Merrie Monarch Festival 2022.

Our Kauai Hula Halau made our little island very proud by winning the Merrie Monarch Festival awards for best performance in both the 'Auana (modern) and Kahiko (ancient) dancing last weekend. For those not familiar with the Merrie Monarch Festival, it is the equivalent of the Olympics for Hula. Here is the video of the winning performance.

The medley of songs they are dancing to describe the special places on Kauai I love so much. This halau is from Kalaheo Kauai, and offers a free show every Thursday at my favorite botanical garden.

2022 Merrie Monarch Festival (‘Auana) - Hālau Ka Lei Mokihana O LeināʻAla

Julie808 8 Apr 28
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Just beautiful! I loved Kauai when Richard and I went for our honeymoon! 😍

If you ever get back to Kauai, let me know so we can celebrate what we have in common!

@Julie808 I most certainly will Julie808. I wish I could afford to live there. It’s so gorgeous there!!!


Beautiful…thanks for sharing with us!




They've obviously worked on that! The singing sounds very traditional to me, lovely close harmonies....congratulations to them all!

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Apr 29, 2022

Yes, the halau celebrates 10 years of dancing under this kumu hula and have worked very hard, placing 2nd place a few times, so this win was a proud moment for them and for all of us on Kauai supporting them. I don't follow sports, so this huge hula competition is as close to sports as I get. The other halau performances from other island and elsewhere were very good, and it was a very close competition with each performance so incredible - in unison and moving to watch. I love it!

@Julie808 How do I say "CONGRATULATIONS" in Hawaiian?

@LucyLoohoo Ah, thanks for asking! We say "ho'omaika'i" for good job, congratulations, done with honors, very fine, and also thankfulness for the performance! One word says a lot! Pronounced: "Ho O My Kah ee"

@Julie808 Thanks! Calling to all the dancers....."WHAT JULIE SAID!" 🙂


Sorry, I just don't know how I feel about it. Not impressed with the singer.

Oh, well Robert Cazimero is a world famous Hawaiian music singer, who used to sing and play years ago with his brother, Roland, who died 5 years ago. They were pretty successful as the Brothers Cazimero. As with so many aging singers, their voices do go a bit, but are loved all the same by their fans in the Hawaiian music community, especially when singing the songs they wrote themselves. Some might argue he sounds pretty good for almost 80 years old!

@Julie808 People need to remember that this isn't's traditional singing! And Hawaiian harmonies are gorgeous.

@LucyLoohoo A good case of chacun a son gout then.

@rogerbenham Yes, those who are familiar and love the style can appreciate it more than those who are not familiar. I definitely know singers with voices I like better than this singer, BUT as he wrote the music, it was appropriate to have him sing it for this special performance.

What was impressive about this act is that the singer actually is a kumu hula (dance teacher) with his own halau which has competed many times in this festival in past years. So by him gifting his voice to this competing halau was moving just in its own right.

A show of how we all work together and help each other out for harmony in the world.

@Julie808 Fair enough. You live in such a different world to mine. The only similarity is the mountains around us. Most of those around me are volcanic as well but I am 250 miles from the sea and on the rain shadow side. The indigenous music here involves only a monotonous drum beat and somewhat shoutedsinging.

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