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Roger’s post yesterday…the Genesis one, reminded me of this song from 1969 -
Streets Of London. Both songs highlight the plight of the homeless in our cities….nothing much has been done to eliminate homelessness or even begin to deal with it in the 50+ years since Ralph McTell penned this song. It was reissued as a Christmas single in 2017 with all proceeds going the the homeless charity Crisis. Ralph McTell with the Crisis Choir and guest vocalist Annie Lennox.

Marionville 10 May 18
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It seems to be a huge problem everywhere.

Sad but true I’m afraid!

@Marionville Especially during our cold winters in the northern areas.


Thank you. A song I have likely sung hundreds of times but the videos here brought tears to my eyes.


A wonderful song written in the folk idiom that sadly continues to highlight a human plight that stupid¹ governments from Maggie Thatcher & Ronnie Reagan on have deliberately exacerbated.
I don't recall the problem in economically war depressed when education, public housing & medical attention were all provided out of not for profit community raised taxes.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 18, 2022
Comment text removed by group moderator Marionville.

In 1966 I went to Durham and its abandoned coal mines and vast unemployment. This contrasted so much with the richest village in England overlooking which I'd grown up. I discovered an inkling of poverty. From '69 to '74 I was living in London's west end in lovely Georgian houses and going to debutante balls alongside Princess Anne BUT my work was sending me at times deep into the East End and seeing vast areas of still bomb destruction and people still living as they had in WW2. Then the last two years I'd go to a pub at lunch and discuss the world with a trade union leader. Those years from actually '65 through to '74 turned me from the right stuff into a socialist and the subsequent years have just strengthened this. Tony Benn was my political mentor and another Dick Taverne (MP Lincoln, Independent). Understanding the crushing defeat of many by the capitalist insane demand for ever more is vital to anyone who chooses to vote.

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