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Hello music lovers…I’ve been away for a few days visiting my family in Leicestershire in England, but now I’m home again on the island of Ireland and thought we’d listen to this well known traditional Irish song, possibly one of the loveliest ones too. I caught a version of it Roger posted yesterday in a different group as I was flicking through the posts…but I much prefer this rendition by Caitlin Grey. - She Moved Through The Fair.

Caitlin Grey is a classically trained mezzo-soprano who was born on Anglesey, Wales - and who specialises in songs with a Celtic tradition.

Marionville 10 June 28
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She’s got a really fine voice,

@Marionville Yes, so clear....but that seems the norm for this style of female me anyway.


Many have sung it. Lovely scenery though I recognised nowhere. I'll not presume to say which is the best version.


Irish music speaks to my heart. ❤️ Love this song. The scenery is so beautiful!

That’s your Irish DNA speaking to you Rhonda!

@Marionville I know that now. 😉 Before I found out about my biological father, I had always been so drawn to Irish music, but had no idea why. Even as a child I remember wanting to dance to it whenever I heard it.

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