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Because it’s the 40th anniversary this month of a-ha’s formation in 1982, and the decision the three young Norwegian musicians made to move to London to try for fame and fortune in the music business, I’m just going to post this as a reminder of how their talent was rewarded with enduring fame and success after their big breakthrough three years later with their massive and now iconic hit Take On Me. They have endured and proved to be Norway’s biggest export. Here they are in concert in 2005, twenty three years after leaving Norway, back in Oslo performing to the biggest crowd ever assembled together in the same place on Norwegian soil in the country’s history (130,000)….Analogue & Cosy Prisons.

Marionville 10 July 25
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Maybe if I'd heard them in the mid sixties I might like them. Their music just does nothing for me. It reminds me of a friend in the late eighties who tried to show me how wonderful were his favourite band ( again I'd missed out on them) - the Grateful Dead. Their music did nothing for me. Maybe, really, I'm just into Classical music though you've seen I have some eclectic tastes. The pop music I'm putting on Music Fans is mostly completely new to me and I like it though not enough to buy. But then, I'm not buying any music.
This site might not like my English spelling but the Oxford English Dictionary is the official (legal) dictionary of Canada and I grew up within 20 miles of Oxford.

I write in British English …or proper English too…after all I’m British, so what else would I use? I understand that this music isn’t for you…I don’t expect everyone to like what I like….that’s okay.

@Marionville You are British but live in the UK!
M, the number of posts that I see are very sparse. Is most of the Agnostic traffic on groups to which I do not belong? I post music mostly to try and keep these groups alive. So few contribute that I wonder what the point is of continuing. I write here as I see that you do not want messages.

@rogerbenham I haven’t got private messages blocked as far as I’m aware. I just got a message earlier from Rhonda. I’ll try and message you and see if it works….

@Marionville It works. But your profile page does not have a message box. Anyway, it prompted me to post in RHG's group (maybe she has others).


Love both songs!! 😍

Yes…I do too.

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