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Today we’re in Scotland with the Fergus McCreadie Jazz Trio performing a track from their latest album Forest Floor - titled “Law Hill”. This album has just been named as one of the nominees for The Mercury Prize, a prize awarded for the best British album of the year. Pianist, McCreadie is the twice winner of Young Scottish Jazz Musician of the Year.

…..this music is described as Folk Jazz rooted in the Scottish landscape with an international appeal.
Marionville 10 July 26
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It mystifies me how one remembers all of that as clearly it has to be worked out at least with the bass player. I guess that is what I find hard about jazz. It sounds like free composition but it is all worked out. When I freely compose on the piano the music evaporates as I play and is lost into the fabric of surroundings.

I think they quite often improvise in the early stages of composition in jazz., and probably rehearsals are pretty experimental at times. I think a group of musicians who play together all the time adapt to the challenge of experimentation before they get to a place where the experimenting ends and a settled order becomes the normal run of things.

@Marionville Many years ago, when a friend came to visit we would hardly speak but instead sit down and play together making it all up. It was a soul way of saying how we'd been.


Good job, guys.

Yes…really good.


I always love to watch the hands of piano players! His hands are so smooth on that piano. Really nice music! 😍

Yes….really great fingers on these keys!

Me too, the fingering is so good to see.

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