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Today - 30th August, is the date in 1937 when my parents got married in Musselburgh, Scotland., they’d be 111 & 112 years old if they were still around. They married in a completely different age, we could say a more carefree time, .but that isn’t really accurate because to quote Churchill “storm clouds were gathering over Europe”, and just two years later Britain was at war. My father was soon conscripted into the RAF and sent off to North Africa, and mum was left with a newborn infant son (my brother).

Anyway, I digress… I just wanted to remember them today by posting a popular song from 1937 and I’ve chosen a song which was a hit that year for American actress and singer Frances Langford. There were many well known hit songs from 1937 but I’ve chosen this one - Harbour Lights. - for a particular reason. It was written by well known songwriter Jimmy Kennedy who was Northern Irish and has two connections to me, albeit rather tenuously. First one is - Jimmy Kennedy was a close friend of my late father-in-law, they met while attending Trinity College Dublin, second one is - Jimmy Kennedy and his family lived in the village where I now live when he was a child, when his father (a policeman) was stationed there!

Marionville 10 Aug 30
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A little personal touch for you.

Yes…a bit of nostalgia.

@Marionville Like Lauren, I love it when you give a little history or a personal story when you post music. 😍


I love when you digress - it's half the pleasure of the music, and in this case a lovely back story. I tend to think of that time period as so romantic but, as you point out, it wasn't really a carefree time. Perhaps those storm clouds made them appreciate the sweet times more.

Lauren Level 8 Aug 30, 2022

Yes…and they witnessed so much change in their lifetimes…the birth of air travel, talking movies …Television, space travel & moon landings, advanced technology,…my dad died before cellphone technology, but he thought the FAX machine and photocopying technology amazing!

@Marionville It was an amazing century. I remember being a 20-something smug about using fresh produce when my grandmother patiently explained the difference frozen vegetables made in her life as a city girl. It was humbling, but like your father, she too embraced all things new, and I hope I take after her a bit.

@Lauren I’m sure you do…and she would be very proud of you.


Love the songs from the 30’, 40’s and 50’s. I think I was born in the wrong decade! 😉

Oh I don’t know Rhonda…I think you appreciate music across many eras…like I do.

@Marionville I truly do Marje, I sometimes wish I could travel back in time though to experience those times and music when they happened. 😉


Not sure of the date but it was very close to today when my parents got married in 1937. They would be 113 and 112 today. My mother's brother (a few years younger) went to Trinity and was a professor there for life. He was a world famous botanist and rather remote as an uncle. He had rooms in college.

Our parents were almost the same ages…and my father in law more than likely crossed the path of your uncle at Trinity, he was a few years younger than my parents.

@Marionville I am the 4th and youngest sibling. Next older died over 10 years ago.


Nothing about his greatest work: Florea Europea.

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