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It’s 4 o’clock so that means it’s time for my teatime treat…which today reflects the fact that at this time of the year we watch old movies we know off by heart on the TV . -
Time After Time…Cyndi Lauper…

Marionville 10 Jan 2
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Tea-time for me was 4.30. Elevenses at 10.30 to eleven.

It was slightly earlier than usual today…I normally post at around 4.30…but I posted it in the wrong group anyway.. it was meant for my other group….Music Fans. I’ve now posted the Eva Cassidy version in it.

@Marionville Thinking back to before 1965, Elevenses was Indian tea with digestive biscuits in the kitchen with all employees (sometimes an exceedingly ancient additional gardener, regular gardener, housekeeper). Afternoon tea was in the sitting room, Earl Grey tea, rock buns, seasonal potato cakes, Christmas chocolate log, crumpets) whichever family member present. Christmas Day before lunch employees came into sitting room and had tea or drinks.

@rogerbenham Sounds like your family were a bit posher than mine….

@Marionville Yes, sorry, not my fault. I grew up in the Ruling Class but my father the CEO of Benham and Sons, a multinational company and the 2nd largest HVAC company in Britain and the World's largest kitchen equipment manufacturer, always voted for what he believed best which meant Labour. My mother, ancient junior aristocracy, voted Joe Grimond Liberals. But my father's influence slightly explains why I, the 4th child, opted to descend into my present classlessness.

@rogerbenham No need to apologise Roger…we’re not responsible for our heritage…only our own conduct as adults….



Maybe…but I like it…Eva Cassidy did a beautiful cover version…

@Marionville She certainly did.

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