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❤️ My Love Is Like A Red, Red Rose by Scottish poet Robert Burns is one of the most beautiful love songs ever written in my opinion…so it’s my choice today on St. Valentine’s Day. St Valentine was a 3rd century Roman clergyman, either a priest or a bishop, in the Roman Empire who ministered to persecuted Christians. He was martyred on this day, 14th February 269, and his day “the Feast of St. Valentine” or St. Valentine’s Day, has been celebrated since at least the 8th century. He is the patron saint of “courtly love”, and also the patron saint of Terni (town in Italy), epilepsy, and beekeepers 🐝!

Anyway…back to Burns love song - sung by Josienne Clarke & Ben Walker - My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose

Marionville 10 Feb 14
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Lovely version. I feared pure soup!
As a child I'd send and receive valentine day cards sent anonymously resulting in often I had no idea who had sent one to me.
Remember the disasterous practical joke Bathsheba Everdene sending William Boldwood her Marry Me Valentine card.
Hallmark and Carlton cashed in on it of course but now it seems to be obligatory to support the rose growing trade. Bah Humbug I say. I;ll show my love when I will and not be persuaded by public sentiment.
Was Valentine anything special in his day? In Durham we honoured Cuthbert and Aidan, More bishops, Hild and Bede.

It’s certainly been commercialised to the max nowadays! I think Valentines are supposed to be anonymous…that was the whole point, the guessing! I remember receiving a few I my younger days…some I never actually guessed who they were from. When I met Peter, although he wasn’t really what I’d call romantic, he did surprise me a few times with flowers or small gifts…but not usually on Valentine’s Day. That would’ve been too cliched for him.


Happy Valentines day Marje. 😘 lovely song.

Thanks Rhonda…sending over some love to you. When do you get your eyes done?

@Marionville Thank you Marje! I go tomorrow for my right eye, then next Wednesday for my left eye. 😘

@Redheadedgammy I thought it was this good luck for tomorrow Rhonda..I’ll be thinking about you! 🥰🤗

@Marionville Thank you Marje. I too hope all goes well and I don't have any problems. I'm a little nervous, and am glad my DIL will be taking me so I have a friendly face to see when I come out from surgery.


That was very sweet. Happy Valentine's Day to you!

Lauren Level 8 Feb 14, 2023

…and to you too Lauren.

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