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Nani Kaua'i --- A music video about the beauty of Kaua'i, sung, danced and played by Hawaiian musicians and dancers from each district of Kaua'i. I have the pleasure of knowing some of these musicians personally.

This was one of the projects created during the quiet time when travel to Hawaii was being discouraged to protect our residents, so we had time to slow down and enjoy what was all around us.

Julie808 8 Mar 7
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The beauty of the land in which you live impressed me greatly. I saw no sign of plagues of insects as we'd have here in high summer. It all painted a very different picture of Hawaii to what I had. Thanks.

We're pretty lucky not to have too many insects in the wide open spaces, but we do get mosquitoes in the jungle near the waterfalls. Kauai is a different kind of island than the busy Oahu. We don't have the skyscrapers, in we have a law that no new building structures can be taller than a palm tree!

@Julie808 In theory my town is 2 stories max but I see a few new three floors high. Palm tree height is great. Trouble is for me, I hate temperatures above 25C.

@rogerbenham One of our fanciest hotels is built into a cliff side, so it's 9 stories. You enter at the top floor and take 2 elevators to zig zag down to the bottom of the cliff to the pool and beach.

Yes, our temperatures average above your comfort level, but we usually have soft trade winds blowing making even the warmer than average temperatures comfortable, at least in the shade. Sounds like winter time is best for you to visit, if you should ever decide to feel the soft warm breezes for yourself!

British Columbia is mighty beautiful -- so I can see why you might never want to leave!

@Julie808 My pictures: #13 What I built and lived in for 23 years, #14 My valley, #17 100m from my home, #18 Where I now live on the edge of a 6000 population town, 1200 km from a city, 400 km from a 40,000 town.
I hated East Coast of Australia in their summer as it was so humid. We went across to Perth for a week and I was fully happy there as it was so much dryer. So dry heat is far easier for me than humidity. Being so surrounded with sea, you must be humid.

@rogerbenham Wow, you really are out in the wilderness! Love the peacefulness of the scenery there.

Yes, being in the tropics has high humidity, but with our usual tradewinds, it's quite comfortable. It's actually chilly in the higher elevations, but I'm near sea level. I do have 2 small dehumidifiers in my apartment, and keep air circulating to avoid mustiness in my space. Very little snow -- I just saw some when I visited my daughter on the Big Island - snow is currently atop 2 of the mountains there.

@Julie808 Snow been here since early November. Now maybe 18" deep. Always compacting. At present very slightly sublimating ( melting and evaporating in sunlight below freezing). I keep water boiling slowly on my woodstove to add humidity. If house gets too warm I open door with wood stove going to get fresh air, Quadruple glazing.


That was wonderful, Julie, thank you. I haven't been to a lot of places, but I consider Hawaii to be the most beautiful I've ever been to, and I haven't seen nearly enough of it.

Lauren Level 8 Mar 7, 2023

Lucky you to live in such a beautiful place Julie! This is such a charming expression of love for nature & tradition by the people who live on Kaua’i. Thank you for sharing with us…

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