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King's College Choir - Jesus Christ is risen today

Once upon a time I was a regular church goer, as I loved singing in choirs. I was never into religion but it was somewhat of a duty then to appear in church on a few days. The church was packed on Christmas Day, when tradition had the collection pocketed by the vicar. I was brought up Church of England, founded by Henry VIII so he could divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn, who was related to Earl Howard, as was also Catherine Howard. A political church! The C of E was a long time part of the control of the English people. Its lack of serious religious intent gave way to breakaway church groups (Methodists, Quakers, Presbyterians etc.). The Catholics general managed to maintain some more serious faith.
So I never had faith. The question always present was that why there no prophets rushing around when 2000+ years ago there were loads of them. Why are we to believe stories of a time way before proper recording and when illiteracy was rampant? Plus the coincidences with the ancient religions going back to Egypt if not earlier, all lead to a conclusion that it was all a bunch of compiled myths,
The icing on the cake were the discrepancies and contradictions. Thou shalt not kill but go forth and smite thine enemies. Blessing armies is so weird. Peter's treatment of Ananias and Saphira (after whom I named my cats) set his foundation on a rock his master would never have blessed. The story of Cain and Abel was used to belittle people of colour and the rampant killing justifies the Christian Right to glory in KKK and NRA. The Christian religion perverts itself at every time.
But, this is a great hymn and I always loved singing. We missed out Green Hill last Friday.

rogerbenham 8 Apr 9
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Yes lots of the hymns are very rousing and great to sing,..I too have sung them all my life, even though I was born into a family of non-believing freethinkers. I wanted to sing from an early age, discovering that I had a natural talent, and a very good ear which meant I found it easy to pitch notes accurately and easily retain the memory of a tune in my head once heard. This is one I enjoy singing …and yes I did think about Greenhill last Friday…but decided against it.

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