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This morning I feel the need to hear something sung in Italian….so here is Toto Cutugno singing his hit song - L’Italiano….

Marionville 10 May 31
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World Music is muchly and suchly enjoyable.

THANK YOU to jack for the other jonas clip.

And for the bookaloco Denglish with diction to der for.

The quote marks are in the German position because the text is set to that language.

I tryst jack will laugh when he reads this.

My fave was "hatte den gleichen Vater".

Polemicist Level 7 June 1, 2023

…I don’t know how Jack will react but I know the ancient Germanic part of my DNA is sending a message tingling all the way up my spine, and setting my teeth on edge, during that mangling of the Muttersprache! 😱


Two bars were sufficient to trounce my fave , the bars or words, I cannot say.

Polemicist Level 7 May 31, 2023

…ah ha, another of my weaknesses, a penchant for handsome tenori…especially German ones singing in Italiano …

@Marionville Knee weakening, huh!

@Marionville My absolute favorite tenor. I have posted his music several times. THANK YOU
Somehow he looks more Italian than German.

@jackjr A lot of Germans from the southern part of the country are dark…Bavarians for instance, unlike the more northern blonds who are more like Scandinavians.

@Marionville I was once friends with a woman from central Germany. She had two sons, one was the typical blond German and the other dark with dark hair. Both from the same father. Even though I've spent a lot of time in Bavaria I never noticed any difference in their coloration (not paying attention), interesting.

@jackjr They are also appreciably shorter on average in the south too, and speak more slowly….of course these are sweeping statements are stereotypical and merely based on generalities …but they still hold quite a lot of truth as Germans themselves are the ones who hold these views…

@Marionville Interesting link (I noticed the quote marks are at the bottom of the line). There is definitely a difference in dialect and it gets even worse when one crosses the borders to Switzerland and Austria. Bavaria was the last area to be added to the nation and some find Munich one of the most fun and civilized big cities in Germany. Still, it's that same as in most countries and I'll bet it's similar in Ireland. The US is famous for it's regional dialects and prejudices.

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