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Something a little division (might have been previously posted). In some Scottish places med were actually fonder of dancing then their wives. This was especially true where there were no women. One of the most famous of these was devised by a group of Scottish prisoners of war in a German camp during the 2nd WW. Known as the reel of the 51st division.

another, more historical version.
jackjr 7 Sep 19
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The Argentine tango was originally performed by men...for the same reason. (At least they weren't wearing skirts.) 🙂

pamagain Level 8 Sep 19, 2023

The Germans must have found it bewildering.

I would be curious to see the expression on their faces when seeing this.


We did these in school.

So did we--but they were American in the Virginia reel. Probably brought over here by the Scottish immigrants.


I learned how to do all these Scottish reels and dances at school. Nice post about the prisoners of war dancing together..Scots heroes!

Four years or is it 5 years in a POW camp.

@rogerbenham Depends on when one was captured and where. My uncle, a German, spent 4 years on the Eastern front (battle of Stalingrad). He was captured and sent to t Siberian gulag for 5 years. He was released in 1949. He said the Soviets never claimed a death for captured soldiers. They were always MIA.
On the other extreme, a neighbor of mine (I lived in Germany) fought with Rommel in N. Africa. He was captured by the Brits, handed over to the Americans and sent to a camp in Texas. He loved it - they had a job and got paid, they had a library and life was easy (many stayed). He said he learned Democracy, which was a revelation to him (and apparently many Americans today).

@jackjr Now, THAT is news to me! What a brilliant way to influence the ''enemy."

@jackjr Captured in 1940.
Your uncle was lucky to live. Vast numbers of German POWs and Russian POWs of the other did not survive capture.
Many Germans in British camps were well content with their treatment.
My godfather was shot down by the Japanese who gave him a tin leg and glass eye and treated him with great respect. He was upper-crust British.

@rogerbenham A number of Italian and German prisoners of war who were sent to prison camps in the north of Scotland actually liked it there so much they stayed on after the war and married local Scottish girls.

@Marionville Also in England

@rogerbenham My uncle was told, because most of the deaths were because of dysentery, he should eat the charcoals from the fire to help retain bodily fluids. His time in Russia helped him learn some of the language which also gave him and advantage and he found work in the local medical clinic (such as it was). He wrote a book and had one copy translated into English - which I have. He compiled a list of people who died and printed that list in his book. That way perhaps some could see the names of their loved ones. Unfortunately, a publisher he went to said people were sick and tired of war books especially ones coming from the losers side. He couldn't get it published.

Unfortunately, he met his match when, years later he met my aunt. She proved to be just as hard and adversary as his captors. He was tough and died at the age of 94.

@rogerbenham, @pamagain I have a book: "Albert Speer His battle with the truth." He was actually a neighbor of mine when I lived in Heidelberg. I wish I had known this (and knew what I know now). He was in the Nuremberg war trials and got 20 years. He was also able to see things other's did not. He once termed the American forces as having the "benevolence of plenty." We had not had to deal with direct attacks and the average American citizen had it good compared to the rest of those in that war. We could afford to be more giving to our enemy.
After WWI Wilson wanted to form a would union and came out with some 13 points. He believed going hard on the enemy would embitter them and set the world for repercussions. After WWII we started the Marshall Plan which actually helped the Germans rebuild their country into what it is today. Our allies, on the other hand, were not happy with our helping the enemy. Our help came during the war with the Lend Lease plan. Imagine what would have happened if we had not helped the enemy. Would we have had a WWIII?

@jackjr The USA helping Germany recover was a great idea even though they knew in 1946 that only 20% disliked the Nazis. Several hundred thousand had been guilty of the death camps. Very few were punished. I went to Berlin for about 6 weeks in 1958. Already the USA had poured money into it to blasonry compare West with East. Hitler and Goring and Stalin were incredibly horrible people but why did the German people so adore them? Brcause they ignored the Treaty of Versailes and by rearmament brought properity back to the people? Trump is adored by some 30% of Americans but he needs at least 60% to take over like Hitler. However create an enemy etc as Goring said at Nuremburg,

@rogerbenham A lot of Germans that were of age during that time , said they did not like him but felt powerless to go against the crowd. I suspect the Russians are feeling that way against Putin today.

@jackjr I agree. The USA is stuck and those who could unstick won't. I think the on;y solution is a massive stop work. But the elite will bring in the army (you know since Clinton the army can be used against citizens). The elite will drive us all to extinction. Biden is a tool of the elite. He makes no attempt to actually help the poor. Not long term. Your minimum wage should be $25 an hour. He allows Walmart to feed the employees at taxpayer expense. The democratic party once represented workers. Now they represent the elite. It is a form of gradual fasism. The Republicans are more honest - they almost demand fascism.
Sorry about my typing errors. I do correct some. I actually know mostly how to spell.

@rogerbenham Unfortunately, a paper I just read (I belong to this group and another World Press group with the same theme, population demographics. The elites are where they are because of the soft hearted liberals especially of the open boarder type.

@jackjr The Elite crushed the Liberals whenever they got too close to telling the truth. Liberals who did not disturb the Elite were permitted but those who said too much were destroyed.

@rogerbenham Again, I answered this with a link to NPG. If one is unaware of the true forces going on in the world (it's not just here) one should not talk.

@jackjr Unwittingly, people were given a taste with the Covid response. It is my belief that the Big Pharma created a fear and then blackmailed every country to enact repressive measures before they could buy any vaccine. The fantastic thing is even now their hold is strong whilst there is no proof that a vaccine can prevent a virus of this type.

@rogerbenham Sorry, I disagree and find it sad that so many hold on to that unproven theory.

@rogerbenham You’ve been swallowing too much conspiracy theory nonsense Roger…I’m really surprised, as I thought you were way too smart to be sucked in.

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