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I just read that there are more Metal Rock Bands in Finland per capita than in any other country in the world…one of them called Lordi even won the Eurovision Song Contest for Finland with their hard rock song Hallelujah in 2006. Here they perform live at Rockpalast in Germany in 2019…

Marionville 10 Jan 8
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Is there something in the local water that causes it?

Maybe it’s in the genes!

@Marionville lead?

@FrayedBear Well…that could account for the love of metal!

@Marionville exactly!

@Marionville and it's heavy!

@FrayedBear The heaviest!

@Marionville I wouldn't know!


Rocky horror pictures show and Kiss, is about the wildest thing I've experienced here. Until I went over to some heavy Mental bands in Norway and Finland. Try most anything once. I do ice and snow carving over there.


When in wherever expose your ears as the "Romans do"?


Scandanavia has always had a heavy metal thing going on. Hmmmmmmmmm, some kind of connection back to the Vikings and their rampaging ways. These heavy metal bands seem to communicate predominantly in English also. A lot of orderly, smiling metalheads in this video too. A rather polite audience.

German audiences are very well behaved and disciplined …same as their drivers on their roads especially the autobahns where they have no speed limits, just amazing lane discipline and obeying of the rules of overtaking and moving over. Best drivers I’ve ever encountered.


That's pretty crazy about Finland! That band has some wild costumes for their performances 😳 Not my cup of tea, but obviously they are popular.


Likely how to keep warm.

Good shout!


I cannot imagine the incredible amount of sweating these poor things do under all that Crap! Ewwwww......

Horrendous amount!


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Thanks Roger…not your type of music I bet! 😉🤣

@Marionville Not mine! But I have some friends who dress up like that and do the same sort of stuff. I let them alone!


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