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Malena Ernman is a Swedish classical mezzo-soprano…she’s also mother of climate activist Greta Thunberg. Here she also displays her comedic and athletic qualities as an actress in this concert performance of Rosina’s Cavatina from Rossini’s opera The Barber of Seville, in Stockholm with the King and Queen of Sweden in the audience,..

Marionville 10 Jan 18
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Stupendous! I loved it.


And her daughter doesn't seem to have a fun bone in her body.

No…I was just thinking that!

@Marionville I've certainly never seen sign of it, after the hundreds of times seeing her on tv.

@Lilac-JadeCanada She’s on the autistic spectrum that’s probably why.

@Marionville Yes, I'd heard that.

@rogerbenham A different side to her for sure!

@Marionville I love her in this interview. I am very much on her side. She is totally correct.

@rogerbenham I’m a fan too.

@Marionville 0In 1977 I encountered extreme cold for the first time. It fascinated me and I kept a record of weekly temperatures. 20 years later I could see a warming trend, I'd heard James Hanson and I decided to join the Green Party. In January 2000 I ran as the Green candidate in a federal election. I spoke about the threat of global warming. year after year the sin curve of temps was rising. I ran as the Green candidate about 5 or 6 times and I always warned of global warming. Each year we'd get a couple high records broken. By 2015, I got fed up warning, because it seemed to me that we'd cooked the goose. I'm afraid to say I still believe that. Greta has been doing the job I tried to do and she is far more dedicated. I do not believe that any of the methods being used or proposed are going to save us. I call them all greenwashing. We need to minimally quarter our population and return to living as we did in 1880 but with all the useful stuff we have learned.

@rogerbenham Morten Harket has been involved in environmental campaigning since the 1980s…he is the Norwegian poster boy for renewable energy, he and fellow a-ha member Magne Furuholmen were the first to import an electric car into Norway in 1988…the BBC did an item on the Norwegian electric car revolution last year….here is an excerpt…

Copy to @Redheadedgammy

@Marionville 1989 was when Hanson spoke to Congress.I took him seriously as obviously did AhA. !00% electric is going to create an enormous electrical problem. The energy required is fantastic and we are confronted by how to create it. You in UK will do it by nuclear. If the world took on Thorium to make reactors I'd be in favour as there is far less spent fuel problem. But reactors take a decade to build. I would assume that Norway and Sweden have huge hydroelectric power but imagine all the power now going to all the homes.

@rogerbenham Scotland has a lot of hydro electric power potential….they already have a lot but could harness much more…

@rogerbenham I’ve dug out this Norwegian documentary from 1991 which Morten narrates and was deeply involved in making…

Copy to @Redheadedgammy

@Marionville Nothing new to me in the movie. When I retired from consulting engineering I was an expert in energy recycling, recovery etc. That was why they paid me the huge bucks. I made my first greenhouse in 1981 and have made 4 since. Once I could afford them I bought and installed solar panels in about 1996. But I never have enough money to do it properly. I have about 1500Watts installed. Storage was always the problem. Surface charging.
But I do not think panels or windmills ortidal are the solution. We do not want to face the solution.Greta knows this.

@rogerbenham Not new to you of course…but to the average person in 1991 this was very new and most were resistant to alternative sources of energy to fossil fuel. Greta wasn’t even born until 2003, her mother was only 20 in 1991 and was younger than Greta is today. Morten was involved using his fame and putting his own money into educating and trying to make the public aware of climate change and the dangers of our over dependency on fossil fuels …long before most politicians or ordinary people had it on their radar.

@Marionville Yes. Shortly after Hanson spoke to congress the fossil fuel giants got together and launched disinformation campaigns at which they were very successful. At first they denied the problem and later said they could solve it. Trump even believed they could wash coal and make it clean. Peak oil occured around 2007 and we have been using ever more inferior product since. Saying methane is better is false as there is so much leakage involved. We are still heavily dependant on coal. Alberta produces horrible oil.


She has such a wonderful voice!! Her acting is superb and yes, very funny at times. The facial expressions were hilarious 😂 Greta's mom is great!! What is that thing on the Queens head???

Swedish traditional National costume. I think this concert probably took place on Sweden’s national day…like your 4th July! In Norway they dress up in Norwegian national costume on their national day…which is 17th May. In Sweden I believe it’s 6th June each year.

@Marionville Thanks for the info Marje. That is some head piece!!


I love her expressions...and her courage to fling herself into her opening!

pamagain Level 8 Jan 18, 2024

Yes… and quite athletic, you can see she’s pretty fit!

@Marionville Obviously intelligent.

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