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You can tell when an orchestra loves the music they are playing…and Brazilian Orquestra Ouro Preto from Belo Horizonte really love the music of a-ha and have often performed whole concerts of orchestral interpretations of a-ha’s music. Here they perform Scoundrel Days, written by Pal Waaktaar & Magne Furuholmen, it was the title track from a-ha’s second album, released in 1986.

…alongside the orchestral version I’m including the original track released by the band with Morten Harket’s powerful vocals.
Marionville 10 Jan 27
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The orchestra was so beautiful!! It's hard to pick when thinking of just the beauty of the music. The vocals by Morten are what make the music so good in my opinion.

Yes…but it takes all three to make the magic that is a-ha, the songwriting is part of the magic and Morten just tops it off with that voice!


A fine piece of music. I cut my wrist on a bad thought! I preferred the orchestral.

I knew you would! 😉😁

@Marionville Ah, but you see I listened to it.

@rogerbenham …and I appreciate that very much Roger,

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