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In 1967 French singer/songwriter Serge Gainsbourg wrote a song for his then girlfriend Brigitte Bardot and they recorded it together. It was called Je T’aime…moi non plus, and the recording included a lot of heavy breathing and simulated (or real) sexual gratification. Shortly after they made the record they split up and Brigitte married someone else, and begged Gainsbourg not to release it. He agreed not to, and decided to re-record the song with his new girlfriend Jane Birkin. They released it in 1968 and the song was immediately banned on the airwaves in several countries including Spain, Sweden, Brazil, Italy and the U.K. The USA didn’t ban it outright but most radio stations were too nervous to play it. In France it was only permitted to be heard after 11 pm. Despite all this, or perhaps because of it, (forbidden fruits etc), it became a huge hit eventually selling over 6 million copies worldwide by 1996.

Marionville 10 Jan 30
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I remember this one Marje. The first time I heard it I wondered what all the heavy breathing was about!! 🤣

Way back when you were still young and innocent!

@Marionville That is the truth! I had no idea what all that breathy stuff was all about!! 🤣🤣


How beautiful! My subconscious remembers hearing it but nothing about it - including the name - so thank you for the background.

Lauren Level 8 Jan 30, 2024

My pleasure…


Such a lovely tune. Such lovely people! I love these French songs. Je t'aime! Are the French Europe's true lovers?

It’s either them or the Italians I think!

@Marionville In 1974 I spent 3 weeks in Bergamo in Northern Italy. Well I was rich and pretty and the young women were incredibly sexual!

@rogerbenham Youth, beauty & money….three very potent aphrodisiacs!

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